Uses of Class

Packages that use Id Provides the base classes for the persistence layer of platform API. Provides classes used to store "announcements" in the Blackboard system. Provides classes used to store entries in the course, system, and personal calendars in the Blackboard system. Provides the classes used to store course content in Blackboard. Provides the classes used to interact with course definitions in Blackboard. Provides the public implementation classes for Gradebook subsystem. Provides the classes used to interact with user definitions in Blackboard. 

Uses of Id in

Methods in that return Id
 Id IBbObject.getId()
          Returns the Id associated with this IBbObject.
 Id BbObject.getId()
          Returns the Id associated with this BbObject.
 Id BbAttributes.getId(java.lang.String strName)
          Get the Id value associated with given attribute name.
 Id BbAttributes.getSafeId(java.lang.String strName)
          Get the Id value associated with given attribute name.

Methods in with parameters of type Id
 void IBbObject.setId(Id iId)
          Sets the Id value for this IBbObject.
 void BbObject.setId(Id iId)
          Sets the Id value for this BbObject.
 void BbAttributes.setId(java.lang.String strName, Id val)
          Sets the value of the attribute with the given name ("key") to the provided Id value.

Constructors in with parameters of type Id
BbAttribute(java.lang.String strName, Id val, BbAttributes parent)
          Initialization with Id.

Uses of Id in

Methods in that return Id
 Id Announcement.getAsmtId()
          Deprecated. This field no longer exists as of Bb6 and should not be used.
 Id Announcement.getCourseId()
          Returns the course Id to which this Announcement was posted.
 Id Announcement.getCreatorUserId()
          Returns the creator user Id associated with this Announcement .
 Id Announcement.getUserId()
          Deprecated. Has been replaced by the more aptly named Announcement.getCreatorUserId()

Methods in with parameters of type Id
static ListFilter Announcement.createCourseIdFilter(Id targetCourseId)
          Factory method to create an instance of the ListFilter interface capable of filtering a list of Announcement objects based upon their course Id value.
 void Announcement.setAsmtId(Id iAsmtId)
          Deprecated. This field no longer exists as of Bb6 and should not be used.
 void Announcement.setCourseId(Id iCourseId)
          Sets the course Id value for this Announcement.
 void Announcement.setCreatorUserId(Id iCreatorUserId)
          Sets the creator user Id value for this Announcement.
 void Announcement.setUserId(Id iUserId)
          Deprecated. Has been replaced by the more aptly named Announcement.setCreatorUserId(Id).

Uses of Id in

Methods in that return Id
 Id CalendarEntry.getCourseId()
          Returns the course Id to which this CalendarEntry was posted.
 Id CalendarEntry.getCreatorUserId()
          Returns the creator user Id associated with this CalendarEntry .
 Id CalendarEntry.getUserId()
          Deprecated. has been replaced by CalendarEntry.getCreatorUserId().

Methods in with parameters of type Id
static ListFilter CalendarEntry.createCourseIdFilter(Id targetCourseId)
          Factory method to create an instance of the ListFilter interface capable of filtering a list of CalendarEntry objects based upon their course Id value.
 void CalendarEntry.setCourseId(Id iCourseId)
          Sets the course Id value for this CalendarEntry.
 void CalendarEntry.setCreatorUserId(Id iCreatorUserId)
          Sets the creator user Id value for this CalendarEntry .
 void CalendarEntry.setUserId(Id iUserId)
          Deprecated. has been replaced by CalendarEntry.setCreatorUserId(Id).

Uses of Id in

Methods in that return Id
 Id CourseDocument.getAsmtId()
          Deprecated. The links to other objects in the system have been generalized. The preferred method is to use the Link object. This method will always return Id.UNSET_ID
 Id ContentStatus.getContentId()
          Returns the content id that this status is attached to
 Id ContentFile.getContentId()
          Returns the content Id to which this ContentFile "belongs" (is part of).
 Id StaffInfo.getCourseId()
          Gets the Id of the course associated with this StaffInfo object.
 Id Content.getCourseId()
          Returns the course Id associated with this piece of Content.
 Id AggregateReviewStatus.getCourseId()
          Returns the course id that this status is attached to
 Id Upload.getCourseMembershipId()
          Gets the id of the course membership record for the user that performed this upload in the course that contains it.
 Id Upload.getFileId()
          Gets the id of the uploaded file record of the file referred to by this upload.
 Id GroupUpload.getGroupId()
          Gets the id of the group that contains this group upload.
 Id UploadedFile.getParentId()
          Method getParentId.
 Id StaffInfo.getParentId()
          Returns the Id of the StaffInfoFolder that contains this object.
 Id Content.getParentId()
          Returns the parent Id associated with this piece of Content.
 Id ChildFile.getParentId()
          Returns the parent object for this file.
 Id Link.getReferredToId()
          Returns the referred to Id associated with this Link .
 Id Link.getReferrerId()
          Returns the referrer Id associated with this Link.
 Id ContentStatus.getUserId()
          The id of the user this status is for.
 Id AggregateReviewStatus.getUserId()
          The id of the user this status is for.

Methods in with parameters of type Id
 Content ContentWrapper.loadAvailableContent(Id contentId, Id userId)
 Content ContentWrapper.loadAvailableContent(Id contentId, Id userId, java.sql.Connection con)
 void Content.removeContentFile(Id id)
          Removes the specified ContentFile object from this object.
 void ContentWrapper.removeContentFile(Id removeId, java.sql.Connection con)
 void CourseDocument.setAsmtId(Id iAsmtId)
          Deprecated. References to other objects have been generalized through the Link. Use this object to create a "link" from a course document to an assessment instead. This method does no work.
 void ContentStatus.setContentId(Id contentId)
          Method used by the framework when setting review status.
 void ContentFile.setContentId(Id iContentId)
          Sets the content Id value for this ContentFile.
 void StaffInfo.setCourseId(Id courseId)
          Sets the course id associated with this StaffInfo object.
 void Content.setCourseId(Id iCourseId)
          Sets the course Id value for this piece of Content.
 void Upload.setCourseMembershipId(Id courseMembershipId)
          Sets the id of the course membership record for the user that performed this upload in the course that contains it.
 void GroupUpload.setGroupId(Id groupId)
          Sets the id of the group that contains this group upload.
 void UploadedFile.setParentId(Id parentId)
          Method setParentId.
 void StaffInfo.setParentId(Id parentId)
          Sets the parent id to the specified id.
 void Content.setParentId(Id iParentId)
          Sets the parent Id value for this piece of Content.
 void ChildFile.setParentId(Id iParentId)
          Sets the parent id of this object.
 void Link.setReferredToId(Id iReferredToId)
          Sets the internal Blackboard id of the destination ("referred to") object of this Link.
 void Link.setReferrerId(Id iReferrerId)
          Sets the Internal blackboard id of the source (referrer) object of this Link.
 void ContentStatus.setUserId(Id userId)
          Method used by the framework when setting review status.

Uses of Id in

Methods in that return Id
 Id Course.getButtonStyleId()
          Returns the button style Id associated with this Course.
 Id Course.getCartridgeId()
          Returns the cartridge Id associated with this Course.
 Id Course.getClassificationId()
          Returns the classification Id associated with this Course.
 Id Group.getCourseId()
          Returns the course Id associated with this Group
 Id CourseMembership.getCourseId()
          Returns the course Id associated with this CourseMembership .
 Id GroupMembership.getCourseMembershipId()
          Returns the course membership Id associated with this GroupMembership.
 Id CourseMembership.getDataSourceId()
          Returns the data source Id of this CourseMembership.
 Id Course.getDataSourceId()
          Returns the data source Id associated with this Course.
 Id GroupMembership.getGroupId()
          Returns the group Id associated with this GroupMembership.
 Id Course.getInstitutionId()
 Id Course.getTargetAudienceId()
 Id CourseMembership.getUserId()
          Returns the user Id associated with this CourseMembership .

Methods in with parameters of type Id
 void Course.setButtonStyleId(Id iButtonStyleId)
          Sets the button style Id value for this Course.
 void Course.setCartridgeId(Id iCartridgeId)
          Sets the cartridge Id value for this Course.
 void Course.setClassificationId(Id iClassificationId)
          Sets the classification Id value for this Course.
 void Group.setCourseId(Id iCourseId)
          Sets the course Id value for this Group
 void CourseMembership.setCourseId(Id iCourseId)
          Sets the course Id value for this CourseMembership.
 void GroupMembership.setCourseMembershipId(Id iCourseMembershipId)
          Sets the course membership Id value for this GroupMembership.
 void CourseMembership.setDataSourceId(Id iDataSourceId)
          Sets the data source Id value for this CourseMembership.
 void Course.setDataSourceId(Id iDataSourceId)
          Sets the data source Id value for this Course.
 void GroupMembership.setGroupId(Id iGroupId)
          Sets the group Id value for this GroupMembership.
 void Course.setInstitutionId(Id iInstitutionId)
 void Course.setTargetAudienceId(Id iTargetAudienceId)
 void CourseMembership.setUserId(Id iUserId)
          Sets the user Id value for this CourseMembership.

Uses of Id in

Methods in that return Id
 Id Lineitem.getCourseId()
          Returns the Id of the Course this Lineitem is associated with.
 Id GradeRecord.getCourseId()
 Id Score.getCourseMembershipId()
          Returns the Id of the CourseMembership for the user this Score is associated with.
 Id Score.getId()
 Id Lineitem.getId()
 Id Score.getLineitemId()
          Returns the Id of the gradebook Lineitem this score is attached to.

Methods in with parameters of type Id
 void Lineitem.setCourseId(Id id)
          Sets the Course Id associated with this Lineitem.
 void GradeRecord.setCourseId(Id courseId)
 void Score.setCourseMembershipId(Id id)
          Sets the CourseMembership Id to be associated with this Score.
protected  void Lineitem.setInternalAssessmentId(Id id)
          Sets the assessment Id to be used by an internal assessment handler.
protected  void Score.setInternalAttemptId(Id id)
          Sets the attempt Id to be used by an internal attempt handler.
 void Score.setLineitemId(Id id)
          Sets the Lineitem Id this Score is related to.

Uses of Id in

Methods in that return Id
 Id CourseToc.getContentId()
          Returns the content Id of this CourseToc.
 Id CourseToc.getCourseId()
          Returns the course Id of this CourseToc.

Methods in with parameters of type Id
 void CourseToc.setContentId(Id iContentId)
          Sets the content Id value for this CourseToc.
 void CourseToc.setCourseId(Id iCourseId)
          Sets the course Id value for this CourseToc.

Uses of Id in

Methods in that return Id
 Id PortalRole.getDataSourceId()
          gets the datasource id value for this PortalRole.

Methods in with parameters of type Id
 void PortalRole.setDataSourceId(Id dataSourceId)
          sets the datasource id value for this PortalRole

Uses of Id in

Methods in that return Id
 Id User.getDataSourceId()
          Returns the data source Id of this User.
 Id User.getDomainId()
          Deprecated. This field no longer exists as of Bb6 and should not be used.
 Id UserRole.getPortalRoleId()
          Returns the portal role Id associated with this UserRole .
 Id User.getPortalRoleId()
          Returns the primary institution role Id of this User.
 Id UserRole.getUserId()
          Returns the user Id associated with this UserRole .
static Id User.InstRole.mapToPortalRoleId(User.InstRole role)

Methods in with parameters of type Id
static User.InstRole User.InstRole.mapToInstRole(Id portalRoleId)
 void User.setDataSourceId(Id iDataSourceId)
          Sets the data source Id value for this User.
 void User.setDomainId(Id iDomainId)
          Deprecated. This field no longer exists as of Bb6 and should not be used.
 void UserRole.setPortalRoleId(Id id)
          Sets the portal role Id value for this UserRole.
 void User.setPortalRoleId(Id iPortalRoleId)
          Sets the primary institution role Id value for this User.
 void UserRole.setUserId(Id iUserId)
          Sets the user Id value for this UserRole.

Uses of Id in blackboard.persist

Subclasses of Id in blackboard.persist
 class PkId
          The PkId class provides the means of describing an Id within a Blackboard database container.
 class UnsetId
          The UnsetId class represents an unset data object Id.

Fields in blackboard.persist declared as Id
static Id Id.UNSET_ID

Methods in blackboard.persist that return Id
 Id RemoteDbContainer.generateId(DataType dataType, int nKey1)
          Generates an Id instance specific to this DatabaseContainer .
static Id Id.generateId(DataType dataType, int nKey1)
          Generates an Id instance using the default database persistence manager as given by context.
 Id DatabaseContainer.generateId(DataType dataType, int nKey1)
          Generates an Id instance specific to this DatabaseContainer .
 Id Container.generateId(DataType dataType, int nKey1)
          Generates an Id instance specific to this Container.
 Id BbPersistenceManager.generateId(DataType dataType, int nKey1)
          Generates an Id instance specific to the Container associated with this persistence manager.
 Id RemoteDbContainer.generateId(DataType dataType, int nKey1, int nKey2)
          Generates an Id instance specific to this XmlContainer .
static Id Id.generateId(DataType dataType, int nKey1, int nKey2)
          Generates an Id instance using the default database persistence manager as given by context.
 Id DatabaseContainer.generateId(DataType dataType, int nKey1, int nKey2)
          Generates an Id instance specific to this DatabaseContainer .
 Id Container.generateId(DataType dataType, int nKey1, int nKey2)
          Generates an Id instance specific to this Container.
 Id BbPersistenceManager.generateId(DataType dataType, int nKey1, int nKey2)
          Generates an Id instance specific to the Container associated with this persistence manager.
 Id RemoteDbContainer.generateId(DataType dataType, java.lang.String strKey)
          Generates an Id instance specific to this XmlContainer .
static Id Id.generateId(DataType dataType, java.lang.String strKey)
          Generates an Id instance using the default database persistence manager as given by context.
 Id DatabaseContainer.generateId(DataType dataType, java.lang.String strKey)
          Generates an Id instance specific to this DatabaseContainer.
 Id Container.generateId(DataType dataType, java.lang.String strKey)
          Generates an Id instance specific to this Container.
 Id BbPersistenceManager.generateId(DataType dataType, java.lang.String strKey)
          Generates an Id instance specific to the Container associated with this persistence manager.
 Id PersistenceContext.mapId(Id idInContainerA, Container containerB)
          Maps the given Id in the specified container space.
static Id Id.newId(DataType dataType)
          Returns a new Id instance, using a default implementation.

Methods in blackboard.persist with parameters of type Id
 boolean PersistenceContext.hasMapping(Id id)
          Returns whether or not a mapping exists for the given Id.
 boolean Id.hasSameContainer(Id id)
          Returns true if the given Id has the same Container as this Id instance.
 boolean Id.hasSameDataType(Id id)
          Returns true if the given Id has the same DataType as this Id instance.
 boolean RemoteDbContainer.isValidId(Id id)
          Determines if the provided Id is a "valid" id for this XmlContainer.
 boolean DatabaseContainer.isValidId(Id id)
          Determines if the provided Id is a "valid" id for this DatabaseContainer.
 boolean Container.isValidId(Id id)
          Determines if the provided Id is a "valid" id for this Container.
 boolean BbPersistenceManager.isValidId(Id id)
          Convenience method to determines if the provided Id is a "valid" Id for this BbPersistenceManager's Container .
 Id PersistenceContext.mapId(Id idInContainerA, Container containerB)
          Maps the given Id in the specified container space.
 void PersistenceContext.registerReference(Id idInContainerA, Id idInContainerB)
          Registers an Id mapping with the context.

Uses of Id in blackboard.persist.announcement

Methods in blackboard.persist.announcement with parameters of type Id
 void AnnouncementDbPersister.deleteById(Id id)
          Deletes the Announcement identified by the given Id value using a connection from the associated persistence manager's database container.
 void AnnouncementDbPersister.deleteById(Id id, java.sql.Connection con)
          Deletes the Announcement identified by the given Id value using the supplied connection.
 BbList AnnouncementDbLoader.loadAvailableByCourseIdAndUserId(Id courseId, Id userId, int numDaysBack, boolean showPerm)
          loadAvailableByCourseIdAndUserId Loads the list of all available announcements that pertain to the user identified by the given user id, within the course specified by the given courseId, within a given time period.
 BbList AnnouncementDbLoader.loadAvailableByCourseIdAndUserId(Id courseId, Id userId, int numDaysBack, boolean showPerm, java.sql.Connection con)
          loadAvailableByCourseIdAndUserId Loads the list of all available announcements that pertain to the user identified by the given user id, within the course specified by the given courseId, within a given time period using the supplied connection
 BbList AnnouncementDbLoader.loadAvailableByUserId(Id userId)
          Loads the list of all available announcements (system, course and organization) that pertain to the user identified by the given user Id, using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 BbList AnnouncementDbLoader.loadAvailableByUserId(Id userId, java.sql.Connection con)
          Loads the list of all available announcements (system, course and organization) that pertain to the user identified by the given user Id, using the supplied connection.
 BbList AnnouncementDbLoader.loadAvailableByUserId(Id userId, int numDaysBack)
          Loads the list of all available announcements (system, course and organization) that pertain to the user identified by the given user Id, within a given time period, using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 BbList AnnouncementDbLoader.loadAvailableByUserId(Id userId, int numDaysBack, java.sql.Connection con)
          Loads the list of all available announcements (system, course and organization) that pertain to the user identified by the given user Id, within a given time period, using the supplied connection.
 BbList AnnouncementDbLoader.loadByCourseId(Id courseId)
          Load the list of Announcement objects that currently exist for the course identified by the given course Id using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 BbList AnnouncementDbLoader.loadByCourseId(Id courseId, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load the list of Announcement objects that currently exist for the course identified by the given course Id using the supplied connection.
 Announcement AnnouncementDbLoader.loadById(Id id)
          Load the Announcement with the given Id from the database using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 Announcement AnnouncementDbLoader.loadById(Id id, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load the Announcement with the given Id from the database using the supplied connection.

Uses of Id in blackboard.persist.calendar

Methods in blackboard.persist.calendar with parameters of type Id
 void CalendarEntryDbPersister.deleteById(Id id)
          Deletes the CalendarEntry identified by the given Id value using a connection from the associated persistence manager's database container.
 void CalendarEntryDbPersister.deleteById(Id id, java.sql.Connection con)
          Deletes the CalendarEntry identified by the given Id value using the supplied connection.
 BbList CalendarEntryDbLoader.loadByCourseId(Id courseId)
          Load the list of CalendarEntry objects for the given course Id using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 BbList CalendarEntryDbLoader.loadByCourseId(Id courseId, java.util.Calendar startDate, java.util.Calendar endDate)
 BbList CalendarEntryDbLoader.loadByCourseId(Id courseId, java.util.Calendar startDate, java.util.Calendar endDate, java.sql.Connection con)
 BbList CalendarEntryDbLoader.loadByCourseId(Id courseId, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load the list of CalendarEntry objects for the given course Id using the supplied connection.
 BbList CalendarEntryDbLoader.loadByCourseIdAndUserId(Id courseId, Id userId, java.util.Calendar startDate, java.util.Calendar endDate)
          loadByCourseIdAndUserId Loads the list of all calendar entries within a given date range (institution, course, and personal) that pertain to the user and course identified by the given user Id and course id.
 BbList CalendarEntryDbLoader.loadByCourseIdAndUserId(Id courseId, Id userId, java.util.Calendar startDate, java.util.Calendar endDate, java.sql.Connection con)
          loadByCourseIdAndUserId Loads the list of all calendar entries within a given date range (institution, course, and personal) that pertain to the user and course identified by the given user Id and course id using the supplied connection.
 CalendarEntry CalendarEntryDbLoader.loadById(Id id)
          Load the CalendarEntry with the given Id from the database using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 CalendarEntry CalendarEntryDbLoader.loadById(Id id, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load the CalendarEntry with the given Id from the database using the supplied connection.
 BbList CalendarEntryDbLoader.loadByUserId(Id userId)
          Loads the list of all calendar entries (institution, course, and personal) that pertain to the user identified by the given user Id using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 BbList CalendarEntryDbLoader.loadByUserId(Id userId, java.util.Calendar startDate, java.util.Calendar endDate)
          Loads the list of all calendar entries within a given date range (institution, course, and personal) that pertain to the user identified by the given user Id using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 BbList CalendarEntryDbLoader.loadByUserId(Id userId, java.util.Calendar startDate, java.util.Calendar endDate, java.sql.Connection con)
          Loads the list of all calendar entries (institution, course, and personal) that pertain to the user identified by the given user Id using the supplied connection.
 BbList CalendarEntryDbLoader.loadByUserId(Id userId, java.sql.Connection con)
          Loads the list of all calendar entries within a given date range (institution, course, and personal) that pertain to the user identified by the given user Id using the supplied connection.
 BbList CalendarEntryDbLoader.loadPersonalByUserId(Id userId, java.util.Calendar startDate, java.util.Calendar endDate)
          Loads the list of personal calendar entries within a given date range that pertain to the user identified by the given user Id using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 BbList CalendarEntryDbLoader.loadPersonalByUserId(Id userId, java.util.Calendar startDate, java.util.Calendar endDate, java.sql.Connection con)
          Loads the list of personal calendar entries that pertain to the user identified by the given user Id using the supplied connection.

Uses of Id in blackboard.persist.content

Methods in blackboard.persist.content that return Id
 Id StaffInfoDbLoader.lookupTopFolderId(Id courseId)
          Loads the Id of "Top" StaffInfoFolder for the given course (identified by id) from the database using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 Id StaffInfoDbLoader.lookupTopFolderId(Id courseId, java.sql.Connection con)
          Loads the Id of "Top" StaffInfoFolder for the given course (identified by id) from the database using the supplied connection.

Methods in blackboard.persist.content with parameters of type Id
 void StaffInfoDbPersister.deleteById(Id id)
          Deletes the StaffInfo identified by the given Id value using a connection from the associated persistence manager's database container.
 void LinkDbPersister.deleteById(Id id)
          Deletes the Link identified by the given Id value using a connection from the associated persistence manager's database container.
 void ContentFileDbPersister.deleteById(Id id)
          Deletes the Content identified by the given Id value using a connection from the associated persistence manager's database container.
 void ContentDbPersister.deleteById(Id id)
          Deletes the Content identified by the given Id value using a connection from the associated persistence manager's database container.
 void StaffInfoDbPersister.deleteById(Id id, java.sql.Connection con)
          Deletes the StaffInfo identified by the given Id value using the supplied connection.
 void LinkDbPersister.deleteById(Id id, java.sql.Connection con)
          Deletes the Link identified by the given Id value using the supplied connection.
 void ContentFileDbPersister.deleteById(Id id, java.sql.Connection con)
          Deletes the Content identified by the given Id value using the supplied connection.
 void ContentDbPersister.deleteById(Id id, java.sql.Connection con)
          Deletes the Content identified by the given Id value using the supplied connection.
 java.util.List ContentDbLoader.loadAvailableChildren(Id folderId, Id userId, boolean heavy, java.sql.Connection con)
          Loads all children of the specified folder, honoring availability settings as determined for the specified user.
 BbList ContentFileDbLoader.loadByContentFolderId(Id folderId)
          Load the list of ContentFile objects that are referenced by children of the specified ContentFolder (identified by Id) from the database in a lightweight fashion using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 BbList ContentFileDbLoader.loadByContentFolderId(Id folderId, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load the list of ContentFile objects that are referenced by children of the specified ContentFolder (identified by Id) from the database in a lightweight fashion using the supplied connection.
 BbList ContentFileDbLoader.loadByContentFolderId(Id folderId, java.sql.Connection con, boolean bHeavy)
          Load the list of ContentFile objects that are referenced by children of the specified ContentFolder (identified by Id) in the specified fashion (lightweight or heavyweight) using the supplied connection.
 java.util.List ContentStatusDbLoader.loadByContentId(Id contentId)
          Loads a list of ContentStatus objects for a specific Content object.
 BbList ContentFileDbLoader.loadByContentId(Id id)
          Load the list of ContentFile objects associated with the given piece of Content (identifed by Id) from the database in a lightweight fashion using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 java.util.List ContentStatusDbLoader.loadByContentId(Id contentId, java.sql.Connection con)
          Loads a list of ContentStatus objects for a specific Content object.
 BbList ContentFileDbLoader.loadByContentId(Id id, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load the list of ContentFile objects associated with the given piece of Content (identifed by Id) from the database in a lightweight fashion using the supplied connection.
 BbList ContentFileDbLoader.loadByContentId(Id id, java.sql.Connection con, boolean bHeavy, boolean bDeep)
          Load the list of ContentFile objects associated with the given piece of Content (identifed by Id) from the database in the specified fashion (lightweight or heavyweight) using the supplied connection.
 BbList StaffInfoDbLoader.loadByCourseId(Id courseId)
          Loads the list of StaffInfo/StaffInfoFolder objects for the given course (identified by id) from the database using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 BbList LinkDbLoader.loadByCourseId(Id courseId)
          Load the Links defined within the given course (identified by id) from the database using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 java.util.List ContentStatusDbLoader.loadByCourseId(Id courseId)
          Loads a list of ContentStatus objects for a specific Course object.
 java.util.List AggregateReviewStatusDbLoader.loadByCourseId(Id courseId)
          Loads a list of AggregateReviewStatus objects for all users for the give Course Id
 BbList StaffInfoDbLoader.loadByCourseId(Id courseId, java.sql.Connection con)
          Loads the list of StaffInfo/StaffInfoFolder objects for the given course (identified by id) from the database using the supplied connection.
 BbList LinkDbLoader.loadByCourseId(Id courseId, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load the Links defined within the given course (identified by id) from the database using the supplied connection.
 BbList GroupUploadDbLoader.loadByCourseId(Id courseId, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load the list of GroupUpload objects associated with the given CourseId (identifed by Id) from the database using the supplied connection.
 BbList CourseUploadDbLoader.loadByCourseId(Id courseId, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load the list of CourseUpload objects associated with the given CourseId (identified by Id) from the database using the supplied connection.
 java.util.List ContentStatusDbLoader.loadByCourseId(Id courseId, java.sql.Connection con)
          Loads a list of ContentStatus objects for a specific Course object.
 java.util.List AggregateReviewStatusDbLoader.loadByCourseId(Id courseId, java.sql.Connection con)
          Loads a list of AggregateReviewStatus objects for all users for the give Course Id
 java.util.List StaffInfoDbLoader.loadByCourseId(Id courseId, java.sql.Connection con, boolean heavy)
          Loads the list of StaffInfo/StaffInfoFolder objects for the given course (identified by id) from the database using the supplied connection.
 CourseUpload CourseUploadDbLoader.loadByFileIdAndCourseMembershipId(Id fileId, Id coursemembershipId, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load CourseUpload object associated with the given File (identified by FileId) and courseMembershipIdfrom the database using the supplied connection.
 StaffInfo StaffInfoDbLoader.loadById(Id id)
          Load the StaffInfo or StaffInfoFolder with the given Id from the database using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 Link LinkDbLoader.loadById(Id id)
          Load the Link with the given Id from the database using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 ContentFile ContentFileDbLoader.loadById(Id id)
          Load the ContentFile with the given Id from the database in a lightweight fashion using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 Content ContentDbLoader.loadById(Id id)
          Load the Content with the given Id from the database in a lightweight fashion using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 UploadedFile UploadedFileDbLoader.loadById(Id id, java.sql.Connection con)
          Method loadById.
 StaffInfo StaffInfoDbLoader.loadById(Id id, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load the StaffInfo or StaffInfoFolder with the given Id from the database using the supplied connection.
 Link LinkDbLoader.loadById(Id id, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load the Link with the given Id from the database using the supplied connection.
 CourseUpload CourseUploadDbLoader.loadById(Id id, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load the CourseUpload object with the given Id from the database using the supplied connection.
 ContentFile ContentFileDbLoader.loadById(Id id, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load the ContentFile with the given Id from the database in a lightweight fashion using the supplied connection.
 Content ContentDbLoader.loadById(Id id, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load the Content with the given Id from the database in a lightweight fashion using the supplied connection.
 ContentFile ContentFileDbLoader.loadById(Id id, java.sql.Connection con, boolean bHeavy)
          Load the ContentFile with the given Id from the database in the specified fashion (lightweight or heavyweight) using the supplied connection.
 Content ContentDbLoader.loadById(Id id, java.sql.Connection con, boolean bDeep, boolean bHeavy)
          Loads the Content with the given Id from the database in the specified fashion (lightweight or heavyweight) using the supplied connection.
 BbList StaffInfoDbLoader.loadByParentId(Id parentId)
          Loads the list of StaffInfo/StaffInfoFolder objects that are the children of the object with the given Id from the database using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 BbList StaffInfoDbLoader.loadByParentId(Id parentId, java.sql.Connection con)
          Loads the list of StaffInfo/StaffInfoFolder objects that are the children of the object with the given Id from the database using the supplied connection.
 BbList LinkDbLoader.loadByReferredToIdAndType(Id id, Link.ReferredToType eReferredToType)
          Load the Link with the given referred to id and type from the database using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 BbList LinkDbLoader.loadByReferredToIdAndType(Id id, Link.ReferredToType eReferredToType, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load the Links with the given referred to id and type from the database using the supplied connection.
 Link LinkDbLoader.loadByReferrerIdAndType(Id id, Link.ReferrerType eReferrerType)
          Load the Link with the given referrer id and type from the database using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 Link LinkDbLoader.loadByReferrerIdAndType(Id id, Link.ReferrerType eReferrerType, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load the Link with the given referrer id and type from the database using the supplied connection.
 Content ContentDbLoader.loadByTocId(Id tocId)
          Load the Content item that is the "Top" folder for the specified CourseToc (identified by Id) in a lightweight fashion using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 Content ContentDbLoader.loadByTocId(Id tocId, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load the Content item that is the "Top" folder for the specified CourseToc (identified by Id) in a lightweight fashion using the supplied connection.
 Content ContentDbLoader.loadByTocId(Id tocId, java.sql.Connection con, boolean bDeep)
          Load the Content item that is the "Top" folder for the specified CourseToc (identified by Id) in a lightweight fashion using the supplied connection.
 BbList ContentDbLoader.loadChildren(Id id)
          Loads a list containing the immediate children of the specified Content item (identified by Id) from the database in a lightweight fashion using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 java.util.List ContentDbLoader.loadChildren(Id id, boolean heavy, java.sql.Connection con)
          Loads a list containing the immediate children of the specified Content item (identified by Id) from the database using a connection obtained using the supplied Connection.
 BbList ContentDbLoader.loadChildren(Id id, java.sql.Connection con)
          Loads a list containing the immediate children of the specified Content item (identified by Id) from the database in a lightweight fashion using a connection obtained using the supplied Connection.
 BbList ContentDbLoader.loadContentPath(Id id)
          Loads a list of content items containing the specified Content item (identified by Id) along with all of its ancestors from the database in a lightweight fashion using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 BbList ContentDbLoader.loadContentPath(Id id, java.sql.Connection con)
          Loads a list of content items containing the specified Content item (identified by Id) along with all of its ancestors from the database in a lightweight fashion using a connection obtained using the supplied Connection.
 StaffInfoFolder StaffInfoDbLoader.loadFolderByCourseId(Id courseId)
          Loads the folder of StaffInfo/StaffInfoFolder objects for the given course (identified by id) from the database using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 StaffInfoFolder StaffInfoDbLoader.loadFolderByCourseId(Id courseId, java.sql.Connection con)
          Loads the folder of StaffInfo/StaffInfoFolder objects for the given course (identified by id) from the database using the supplied connection.
 StaffInfoFolder StaffInfoDbLoader.loadFolderByCourseId(Id courseId, java.sql.Connection con, boolean heavy)
          Loads the folder of StaffInfo/StaffInfoFolder objects for the given course (identified by id) from the database using the supplied connection.
 BbList ContentDbLoader.loadListById(Id id)
          Loads a list of Content by performing a deep load rooted at the content item with the given Id.
 BbList ContentDbLoader.loadListById(Id id, java.sql.Connection con)
          Loads a list of Content by performing a deep load rooted at the content item with the given Id.
 BbList ContentDbLoader.loadListById(Id id, java.sql.Connection con, boolean bHeavy)
          Loads a list of Content by performing a deep load rooted at the content item with the given Id.
 java.util.List ContentDbLoader.loadMapView(Id userId, Id courseId, java.sql.Connection con)
          Returns a list of items representing the top-level content items in the course.
 java.util.List ContentDbLoader.loadPathAndStatus(Id id, Id userId, java.sql.Connection con)
          Method to return a path to a given item.
 java.util.List ContentDbLoader.loadReviewableByCourseId(Id id)
          Loads a list containing the all the Content items in the given course which have reviewable flag set to true.
 java.util.List ContentDbLoader.loadReviewableByCourseId(Id id, java.sql.Connection con)
          Loads a list containing the all the Content items in the given course which have reviewable flag set to true.
 Id StaffInfoDbLoader.lookupTopFolderId(Id courseId)
          Loads the Id of "Top" StaffInfoFolder for the given course (identified by id) from the database using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 Id StaffInfoDbLoader.lookupTopFolderId(Id courseId, java.sql.Connection con)
          Loads the Id of "Top" StaffInfoFolder for the given course (identified by id) from the database using the supplied connection.
 void ContentDbPersister.markReviewed(Id contentId, Id userId)
          Marks the Content identified by the given contentId value using a connection from the associated persistence manager's database container as status "Reviewed" by the user identified by userId.
 void ContentDbPersister.markReviewed(Id contentId, Id userId, java.util.Calendar reviewDate)
          Marks the Content identified by the given contentId value using a connection from the associated persistence manager's database container as status "Reviewed" by the user identified by userId.
 void ContentDbPersister.markReviewed(Id contentId, Id userId, java.util.Calendar reviewDate, java.sql.Connection con)
          Marks the Content identified by the given contentId value using a connection from the associated persistence manager's database container as status "Reviewed" by the user identified by userId.
 void ContentDbPersister.markReviewed(Id contentId, Id userId, java.sql.Connection con)
          Marks the Content identified by the given contentId value using the supplied connection as status "Reviewed" by the user identified by userId.
 void ContentDbPersister.markUnreviewed(Id contentId, Id userId)
          Marks the Content identified by the given contentId value using the supplied connection as status "Not Reviewed" by the user identified by userId.
 void ContentDbPersister.markUnreviewed(Id contentId, Id userId, java.sql.Connection con)
          Marks the Content identified by the given contentId value using the supplied connection as status "Not Reviewed" by the user identified by userId.
 void ContentDbPersister.reposition(Id id, int newPosition)
          Used to dictate the new position that the Content item should have using a connection from the associated persistence manager's database container.
 void ContentDbPersister.reposition(Id id, int newPosition, java.sql.Connection con)
          Used to dictate the new position that the Content item should have using the supplied connection.

Uses of Id in blackboard.persist.course

Methods in blackboard.persist.course with parameters of type Id
 void GroupMembershipDbPersister.deleteById(Id id)
          Deletes the GroupMembership identified by the given Id value using a connection from the associated persistence manager's database container.
 void GroupDbPersister.deleteById(Id id)
          Deletes the Group identified by the given Id value using a connection from the associated persistence manager's database container.
 void CourseMembershipDbPersister.deleteById(Id id)
          Deletes the CourseMembership identified by the given Id value using a connection from the associated persistence manager's database container.
 void CourseDbPersister.deleteById(Id id)
          Deletes the Course identified by the given Id value using a connection from the associated persistence manager's database container.
 void CartridgeDbPersister.deleteById(Id id)
          Deletes the Cartridge identified by the given Id value using a connection from the associated persistence manager's database container.
 void GroupMembershipDbPersister.deleteById(Id id, java.sql.Connection con)
          Deletes the GroupMembership identified by the given Id value using the supplied connection.
 void GroupDbPersister.deleteById(Id id, java.sql.Connection con)
          Deletes the Group identified by the given Id value using the supplied connection.
 void CourseMembershipDbPersister.deleteById(Id id, java.sql.Connection con)
          Deletes the CourseMembership identified by the given Id value using the supplied connection.
 void CourseDbPersister.deleteById(Id id, java.sql.Connection con)
          Deletes the Course identified by the given Id value using the supplied connection.
 void CartridgeDbPersister.deleteById(Id id, java.sql.Connection con)
          Deletes the Cartridge identified by the given Id value using the supplied connection.
 CourseMembership CourseMembershipDbLoader.loadByCourseAndUserId(Id courseId, Id userId)
          Load the CourseMembership with the given user and course id from the database using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 CourseMembership CourseMembershipDbLoader.loadByCourseAndUserId(Id courseId, Id userId, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load the CourseMembership with the given user and course id from the database using the supplied connection.
 CourseMembership CourseMembershipDbLoader.loadByCourseAndUserId(Id courseId, Id userId, java.sql.Connection con, boolean withUser)
          Load the CourseMembership with the given user and course id from the database using the supplied connection.
 BbList GroupMembershipDbLoader.loadByCourseId(Id courseId)
          Load the list of GroupMembership objects belonging to all groups defined within the given course (identified by id) using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 BbList GroupDbLoader.loadByCourseId(Id courseId)
          Load the list of Groups contained with the course (identified by Id) from the database using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 BbList CourseMembershipDbLoader.loadByCourseId(Id courseId)
          Load the list of CourseMembership objects belonging to the given course (identified by id) using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 BbList GroupMembershipDbLoader.loadByCourseId(Id courseId, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load the list of GroupMembership objects belonging to all groups defined within the given course (identified by id) using the supplied connection.
 BbList GroupDbLoader.loadByCourseId(Id courseId, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load the list of Groups contained with the course (identified by Id) from the database using the supplied connection.
 BbList CourseMembershipDbLoader.loadByCourseId(Id courseId, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load the list of CourseMembership objects belonging to the given course (identified by id) using the supplied connection.
 BbList CourseMembershipDbLoader.loadByCourseId(Id courseId, java.sql.Connection con, boolean withUser)
          Load the list of CourseMembership objects belonging to the given course (identified by id) using the supplied connection.
 BbList CourseMembershipDbLoader.loadByCourseIdAndRole(Id courseId, CourseMembership.Role role)
          Load the list of CourseMembership objects which have the given role within the specified course (identified by id) using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 BbList CourseMembershipDbLoader.loadByCourseIdAndRole(Id courseId, CourseMembership.Role role, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load the list of CourseMembership objects which have the given role within the specified course (identified by id) using the supplied connection.
 BbList CourseMembershipDbLoader.loadByCourseIdAndRole(Id courseId, CourseMembership.Role role, java.sql.Connection con, boolean withUser)
          Load the list of CourseMembership objects which have the given role within the specified course (identified by id) using the supplied connection.
 GroupMembership GroupMembershipDbLoader.loadByGroupAndUserId(Id groupId, Id userId)
          Load the GroupMembership with the given user and group id from the database using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 GroupMembership GroupMembershipDbLoader.loadByGroupAndUserId(Id groupId, Id userId, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load the GroupMembership with the given user and group id from the database using the supplied connection.
 BbList GroupMembershipDbLoader.loadByGroupId(Id groupId)
          Load the list of GroupMembership objects belonging to the given group (identified by id) using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 BbList GroupMembershipDbLoader.loadByGroupId(Id groupId, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load the list of GroupMembership objects belonging to the given group (identified by id) using the supplied connection.
 GroupMembership GroupMembershipDbLoader.loadById(Id id)
          Load the GroupMembership with the given Id from the database using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 Group GroupDbLoader.loadById(Id id)
          Load the Group with the given Id from the database using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 CourseMembership CourseMembershipDbLoader.loadById(Id id)
          Load the CourseMembership with the given Id from the database using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 Course CourseDbLoader.loadById(Id id)
          Load the Course with the given Id from the database in a lightweight fashion using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 Cartridge CartridgeDbLoader.loadById(Id id)
          Load the Cartridge with the given Id from the database using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 GroupMembership GroupMembershipDbLoader.loadById(Id id, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load the GroupMembership with the given Id from the database using the supplied connection.
 Group GroupDbLoader.loadById(Id id, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load the Group with the given Id from the database using the supplied connection.
 CourseMembership CourseMembershipDbLoader.loadById(Id id, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load the CourseMembership with the given Id from the database using the supplied connection.
 Course CourseDbLoader.loadById(Id id, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load the Course with the given Id from the database in a lightweight fashion using the supplied connection.
 Cartridge CartridgeDbLoader.loadById(Id id, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load the Cartridge with the given Id from the database using the supplied connection.
 CourseMembership CourseMembershipDbLoader.loadById(Id id, java.sql.Connection con, boolean withUser)
          Load the CourseMembership with the given Id from the database using the supplied connection.
 Course CourseDbLoader.loadById(Id id, java.sql.Connection con, boolean bHeavy)
          Load the Course with the given Id from the database in the specified fashion (lightweight or heavyweight) using the supplied connection.
 BbList CourseMembershipDbLoader.loadByUserId(Id userId)
          Load the list of CourseMembership objects belonging to the given user (identified by id) using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 BbList CourseDbLoader.loadByUserId(Id userId)
          Load the list of Course objects in a lightweight fashion in which the given user (identified by id) is enrolled using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 BbList CourseMembershipDbLoader.loadByUserId(Id userId, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load the list of CourseMembership objects belonging to the given user (identified by id) using the supplied connection.
 BbList CourseDbLoader.loadByUserId(Id userId, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load the list of Course objects in a lightweight fashion in which the given user (identified by id) is enrolled using the supplied connection.
 BbList CourseMembershipDbLoader.loadByUserId(Id userId, java.sql.Connection con, boolean withUser)
          Load the list of CourseMembership objects belonging to the given user (identified by id) using the supplied connection.
 BbList CourseDbLoader.loadByUserId(Id userid, java.sql.Connection con, boolean bHeavy)
          Load the list of Course objects in the specified fashion (lightweight or heavyweight) in which the given user (identified by id) is enrolled using the supplied connection.
 BbList CourseDbLoader.loadByUserIdAndCourseMembershipRole(Id userId, CourseMembership.Role role)
          Load the list of Course objects in a lightweight fashion in which the given user (identified by id) is enrolled with a specific course based role using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 BbList CourseDbLoader.loadByUserIdAndCourseMembershipRole(Id userId, CourseMembership.Role role, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load the list of Course objects in a lightweight fashion in which the given user (identified by id) is enrolled with a specific course based role using the supplied connection.
 BbList CourseDbLoader.loadByUserIdAndCourseMembershipRole(Id userid, CourseMembership.Role role, java.sql.Connection con, boolean bHeavy)
          Load the list of Course objects in the specified fashion (lightweight or heavyweight) in which the given user (identified by id) with a specific course based role is enrolled using the supplied connection.
 java.util.Map CourseMembershipDbLoader.loadInstructorsByUser(Id userId)
          Load a Map of courseId to List of full Instructor names as a String for all courses in which the specified user is a member from the database using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 java.util.Map CourseMembershipDbLoader.loadInstructorsByUser(Id userId, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load a Map of courseId to List of full Instructor names as a String for all courses in which the specified user is a member from the database using the supplied connection.

Uses of Id in blackboard.persist.gradebook

Methods in blackboard.persist.gradebook with parameters of type Id
 void ScoreDbPersister.deleteById(Id id)
          Deletes the Score identified by the given Id value using a connection from the associated persistence manager's database container.
 void LineitemDbPersister.deleteById(Id id)
          Deletes the Lineitem with the given Id from the database using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 void ScoreDbPersister.deleteById(Id id, java.sql.Connection con)
          Deletes the Score identified by the given Id value using the supplied connection.
 void LineitemDbPersister.deleteById(Id id, java.sql.Connection con)
          Deletes the Lineitem with the given Id from the database using the supplied connection.
 BbList LineitemDbLoader.loadByCourseId(Id courseId)
          Loads a list of Lineitem objects associated with the Course whose Id is provided, using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 BbList LineitemDbLoader.loadByCourseId(Id courseId, java.sql.Connection con)
          Loads a list of Lineitem objects associated with the Course whose Id is provided, using the supplied connection.
 BbList LineitemDbLoader.loadByCourseIdAndLineitemName(Id courseId, java.lang.String name)
          Loads a list of Lineitem objects associated with the Course whose Id is provided and whose name matches the name provided, using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 BbList LineitemDbLoader.loadByCourseIdAndLineitemName(Id courseId, java.lang.String name, java.sql.Connection con)
          Loads a list of Lineitem objects associated with the Course whose Id is provided and whose name matches the name provided, using the supplied connection.
 BbList ScoreDbLoader.loadByCourseMembershipId(Id id)
          Loads a list of Score objects associated with the CourseMembership record whose Id is provided, using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 BbList ScoreDbLoader.loadByCourseMembershipId(Id id, java.sql.Connection con)
          Loads a list of Score objects associated with the CourseMembership record whose Id is provided, using the provided connection.
 Score ScoreDbLoader.loadByCourseMembershipIdAndLineitemId(Id cmId, Id liId)
          Loads the Score for a given Lineitem and CourseMembership combination using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 Score ScoreDbLoader.loadByCourseMembershipIdAndLineitemId(Id cmId, Id liId, java.sql.Connection con)
          Loads the Score for a given Lineitem and CourseMembership combination using the provided connection.
 Score ScoreDbLoader.loadById(Id id)
          Loads the Score with the given Id from the database using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 Lineitem LineitemDbLoader.loadById(Id id)
          Loads the Lineitem with the given Id from the database using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 Score ScoreDbLoader.loadById(Id id, java.sql.Connection con)
          Loads the Score with the given Id from the database using the provided connection.
 Lineitem LineitemDbLoader.loadById(Id id, java.sql.Connection con)
          Loads the Lineitem with the given Id from the database using the supplied connection.
 BbList ScoreDbLoader.loadByLineitemId(Id id)
          Loads a list of Score objects associated with the lineitem whose Id is provided, using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 BbList ScoreDbLoader.loadByLineitemId(Id id, java.sql.Connection con)
          Loads a list of Score objects associated with the Lineitem whose Id is provided, using the provided connection.

Uses of Id in blackboard.persist.navigation

Methods in blackboard.persist.navigation with parameters of type Id
 CourseToc CourseTocDbLoader.loadByContentId(Id id)
          Load the CourseToc with the given content Id from the database using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 CourseToc CourseTocDbLoader.loadByContentId(Id id, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load the CourseToc with the given content Id from the database using the supplied connection.
 BbList CourseTocDbLoader.loadByCourseId(Id courseId)
          Load the list of CourseToc objects that currently exist for the course identified by the given course Id using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 BbList CourseTocDbLoader.loadByCourseId(Id courseId, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load the list of CourseToc objects that currently exist for the course identified by the given course Id using the supplied connection.
 CourseToc CourseTocDbLoader.loadByCourseIdAndLabel(Id courseId, java.lang.String strLabel)
          Load the CourseToc from the given course (identified by id) with the given label using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 CourseToc CourseTocDbLoader.loadByCourseIdAndLabel(Id courseId, java.lang.String strLabel, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load the CourseToc from the given course (identified by id) with the given label using the supplied connection.
 CourseToc CourseTocDbLoader.loadById(Id id)
          Load the CourseToc with the given Id from the database using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 CourseToc CourseTocDbLoader.loadById(Id id, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load the CourseToc with the given Id from the database using the supplied connection.
 CourseToc CourseTocDbLoader.loadEntryPointByCourseId(Id courseId)
          Load the CourseToc that represents the entry point for the given course (identified by id) using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 CourseToc CourseTocDbLoader.loadEntryPointByCourseId(Id courseId, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load the CourseToc that represents the entry point for the given course (identified by id) using the supplied connection.

Uses of Id in blackboard.persist.role

Methods in blackboard.persist.role with parameters of type Id
 void PortalRoleDbPersister.deleteById(Id id)
          Deletes the PortalRole identified by the given Id value using a connection from the associated persistence manager's database container.
 void PortalRoleDbPersister.deleteById(Id id, java.sql.Connection con)
          Deletes the PortalRole identified by the given Id value using the supplied connection.
 BbList PortalRoleDbLoader.loadAllByUserId(Id userId)
          Load the list of PortalRole objects that represent the primary and secondary portal roles for the given user from the database in a lightweight fashion using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 BbList PortalRoleDbLoader.loadAllByUserId(Id userId, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load the list of PortalRole objects that represent the primary and secondary portal roles for the given user from the database in a lightweight fashion using the supplied connection.
 PortalRole PortalRoleDbLoader.loadById(Id id)
          Load the PortalRole with the given Id from the database in a lightweight fashion using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 PortalRole PortalRoleDbLoader.loadById(Id id, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load the PortalRole with the given Id from the database in a lightweight fashion using the supplied connection.
 PortalRole PortalRoleDbLoader.loadPrimaryRoleByUserId(Id userId)
          Load the PortalRole that is the primary portal role for the given user from the database in a lightweight fashion using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 PortalRole PortalRoleDbLoader.loadPrimaryRoleByUserId(Id userId, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load the PortalRole that is the primary portal role for the given user from the database in a lightweight fashion using the supplied connection.
 BbList PortalRoleDbLoader.loadSecondaryRolesByUserId(Id userId)
          Load the list of PortalRole objects that represent the secondary portal roles for the given user from the database in a lightweight fashion using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 BbList PortalRoleDbLoader.loadSecondaryRolesByUserId(Id userId, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load the list of PortalRole objects that represent the secondary portal roles for the given user from the database in a lightweight fashion using the supplied connection.

Uses of Id in blackboard.persist.user

Methods in blackboard.persist.user with parameters of type Id
 void UserRoleDbPersister.deleteAllByUserId(Id userId)
          Deletes the UserRoles associated with the given user Id value using a connection from the associated persistence manager's database container.
 void UserRoleDbPersister.deleteAllByUserId(Id userId, java.sql.Connection con)
          Deletes the UserRoles identified by the given user value using the supplied connection.
 void UserRoleDbPersister.deleteById(Id id)
          Deletes the UserRole identified by the given Id value using a connection from the associated persistence manager's database container.
 void UserDbPersister.deleteById(Id id)
          Deletes the User identified by the given Id value using a connection from the associated persistence manager's database container.
 void UserRoleDbPersister.deleteById(Id id, java.sql.Connection con)
          Deletes the UserRole identified by the given Id value using the supplied connection.
 void UserDbPersister.deleteById(Id id, java.sql.Connection con)
          Deletes the User identified by the given Id value using the supplied connection.
 BbList UserDbLoader.loadByCourseId(Id courseId)
          Load all users that are enrolled in the given course from the database in a lightweight fashion using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 BbList UserDbLoader.loadByCourseId(Id courseId, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load all users that are enrolled in the given course from the database in a lightweight fashion using the supplied connection.
 BbList UserDbLoader.loadByCourseId(Id courseId, java.sql.Connection con, boolean bHeavy)
          Load all users that are enrolled in the given course from the database in the specified fashion (lightweight or heavyweight) using the supplied connection.
 BbList UserDbLoader.loadByGroupId(Id groupId)
          Load all users that are enrolled in the given group from the database in a lightweight fashion using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 BbList UserDbLoader.loadByGroupId(Id groupId, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load all users that are enrolled in the given group from the database in a lightweight fashion using the supplied connection.
 BbList UserDbLoader.loadByGroupId(Id groupId, java.sql.Connection con, boolean bHeavy)
          Load all users that are enrolled in the given group from the database in the specified fashion (lightweight or heavyweight) using the supplied connection.
 UserRole UserRoleDbLoader.loadById(Id id)
          Load the UserRole with the given Id from the database in a lightweight fashion using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 User UserDbLoader.loadById(Id id)
          Load the User with the given Id from the database in a lightweight fashion using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 UserRole UserRoleDbLoader.loadById(Id id, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load the UserRole with the given Id from the database in a lightweight fashion using the supplied connection.
 User UserDbLoader.loadById(Id id, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load the User with the given Id from the database in a lightweight fashion using the supplied connection.
 User UserDbLoader.loadById(Id id, java.sql.Connection con, boolean bHeavy)
          Load the User with the given Id from the database in the specified fashion (lightweight or heavyweight) using the supplied connection.
 BbList UserRoleDbLoader.loadByPortalRoleId(Id portalRoleId)
          Load all UserRole objects with the given portal role from the database in a lightweight fashion using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 BbList UserRoleDbLoader.loadByPortalRoleId(Id portalRoleId, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load all UserRole objects with the given portal role from the database in a lightweight fashion using the supplied connection.
 BbList UserDbLoader.loadByPrimaryPortalRoleId(Id portalRoleId)
          Load all users by the given portalRole id in a lightweight fashion using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 BbList UserDbLoader.loadByPrimaryPortalRoleId(Id portalRoleId, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load all users by the given portalRole id in a lightweight fashion using the supplied connection.
 BbList UserDbLoader.loadByPrimaryPortalRoleId(Id portalRoleId, java.sql.Connection con, boolean bHeavy)
          Load all users by the given portalRole id in the specified fashion using the supplied connection.
 BbList UserRoleDbLoader.loadByUserId(Id userId)
          Load the list of UserRole objects belonging to the given user (identified by id) using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 BbList UserRoleDbLoader.loadByUserId(Id userId, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load the list of UserRole objects belonging to the given user (identified by id) using the supplied connection.
 UserRole UserRoleDbLoader.loadByUserIdAndPortalRoleId(Id userId, Id portalRoleId)
          Load the UserRole object with the given user id and institution role from the database in a lightweight fashion using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 UserRole UserRoleDbLoader.loadByUserIdAndPortalRoleId(Id userId, Id portalRoleId, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load the UserRole object with the given user id and institution role from the database in a lightweight fashion using the supplied connection.
 BbList UserDbLoader.loadObservedByObserverId(Id observerId)
          Load all users that are/can be observed by the given observer (identified by their user id) in a lightweight fashion using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 BbList UserDbLoader.loadObservedByObserverId(Id observerId, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load all users that are/can be observed by the given observer (identified by their user id) in a lightweight fashion using the supplied connection.
 BbList UserDbLoader.loadObservedByObserverId(Id observerId, java.sql.Connection con, boolean bHeavy)
          Load all users that are/can be observed by the given observer (identified by their user id) in the specified fashion using the supplied connection.

Uses of Id in blackboard.platform.context

Methods in blackboard.platform.context with parameters of type Id
 Context ContextManager.setContext(Id virtualHostId, Id courseId, Id userId, Id groupId, Id contentId)

Uses of Id in blackboard.platform.filesystem

Methods in blackboard.platform.filesystem with parameters of type Id
static AssessmentFileManager.getAssignmentDirectory(java.lang.String courseId, Id assignmentId)
          Returns the directory that stores all content directories for a given Assignment.
static AssessmentFileManager.getAssignmentDirectory(java.lang.String courseId, Id assignmentId, java.lang.String fileGuid)
          Returns the directory that stores a given file for a given Assignment in a given Course. FileSystemService.getAttemptDirectory(Course course, Id attemptId, AttemptFile.FileType fileType)
          Returns the root directory relative to the course and attempt id. FileSystemService.getAttemptDirectory(java.lang.String courseId, Id attemptId, AttemptFile.FileType fileType)
          Returns the root directory relative to the course and attempt id. FileSystemService.getBrandingDirectory(Id portalBrandingId)
          Returns the root directory relative to the branding for given host. FileSystemService.getContentDirectory(Course course, Id contentId)
          Returns the root directory relative to the course and content id. FileSystemService.getContentDirectory(java.lang.String courseId, Id contentId)
          Returns the root directory relative to the course and content id.
static CourseFileManager.getContentDirectory(java.lang.String courseId, Id contentId)
          Returns the directory that stores the given piece of content for the given Course.
static GradebookFileManager.getGradebookDirectory(java.lang.String courseId, Id attemptId)
          Returns the directory that stores all content for a given Attempt in a given Course.
static GradebookFileManager.getGradebookInstructorDirectory(java.lang.String courseId, Id attemptId, java.lang.String fileGuid)
          Returns the directory that stores a comment file for a given Attempt in a given Course.
static GradebookFileManager.getGradebookStudentDirectory(java.lang.String courseId, Id attemptId, java.lang.String fileGuid)
          Returns the directory that stores a comment file for a given Attempt in a given Course. FileSystemService.getMessagingDirectory(Id courseId)
          Returns the root directory relative to the course. FileSystemService.getModuleDirectory(Id moduleId)
          Returns the root directory relative to the module for given host. FileSystemService.getSponsorsDirectory(Id sponsorsId)
          Returns the root directory relative to the sponsors for given id.
 java.lang.String FileSystemService.getWebAttemptDirectory(Course course, Id attemptId, AttemptFile.FileType fileType)
          Returns the web based root directory relative to the course and attempt id.
 java.lang.String FileSystemService.getWebAttemptDirectory(java.lang.String courseId, Id attemptId, AttemptFile.FileType fileType)
          Returns the web based root directory relative to the course and attempt id.
 java.lang.String FileSystemService.getWebBrandingDirectory(Id portalBrandingId)
          Returns the web based root directory relative to the branding for given host.
 java.lang.String GradebookFileManager.getWebContentDirectory(Course crs, Id contentId)
          Returns the web based directory where content and course document items are stored.
 java.lang.String FileSystemService.getWebContentDirectory(Course course, Id contentId)
          Returns the web based root directory relative to the course and content id.
 java.lang.String CourseFileManager.getWebContentDirectory(Course crs, Id contentId)
          Returns the web based directory where content and course document items are stored.
 java.lang.String FileSystemService.getWebContentDirectory(java.lang.String courseId, Id contentId)
          Returns the web based root directory relative to the course and content id.
 java.lang.String FileSystemService.getWebMessagingDirectory(Id courseId)
          Returns the url to messages directory relative to the course.
 java.lang.String FileSystemService.getWebModuleDirectory(Id moduleId)
          Returns the web based root directory relative to the module for given host.
 java.lang.String FileSystemService.getWebSponsorsDirectory(Id sponsorsId)
          Returns the web based root directory relative to the branding for given host.

Uses of Id in blackboard.platform.plugin

Methods in blackboard.platform.plugin that return Id
static Id PlugInUtil.getCourseId(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          Returns the CourseId given an HttpServletRequest object

Methods in blackboard.platform.plugin with parameters of type Id
 void PlugInManager.deactivatePlugIn(Id id)
          Sets plugins status to inactive and unregisters the webapp
 void PlugInManager.disablePlugIn(Id id)
          Disables the plugin specified by Id.
 void PlugInManager.enablePlugIn(Id id)
          Enables the specified plugin. PlugInManager.getBundleFile(Id plugInId, BbLocale locale)
 java.lang.String PlugInManager.getBundleName(Id plugInId)
static java.lang.String PlugInUtil.getDisplayContentReturnURL(Id contentId)
          Deprecated. use getDisplayContentReturnURL(contentId, courseId)
static java.lang.String PlugInUtil.getDisplayContentReturnURL(Id contentId, Id courseId)
          Returns the return URL for jsps going back to the Editable Content page.
static java.lang.String PlugInUtil.getEditableContentReturnURL(Id contentId)
          Deprecated. use getEditableContentReturnURL(contentId,courseId)
static java.lang.String PlugInUtil.getEditableContentReturnURL(Id contentId, Id courseId)
          Returns the return URL for jsps going back to the Editable Content page.
 PlugIn PlugInManager.getPlugIn(Id id)
          Returns the PlugIn identified by the specified Id.
protected  PlugIn PlugInManager.getPlugIn(Id id, VirtualInstallation vi)
          Simply returns the identified plugin for the specified virtual installation
 java.util.List PlugInManager.getPlugInLocales(Id plugInId)
 boolean PlugInManager.isPlugInLocalized(Id plugInId)
 void PlugInManager.removePlugIn(Id id)
          Deletes the specified plugin.

Uses of Id in

Methods in with parameters of type Id
 boolean AccessManagerService.isUserInCourseRole(Id userId, Id courseId, CourseMembership.Role role)
 boolean AccessManagerService.isUserInSystemRole(Id userId, User.SystemRole role)
static boolean SecurityUtil.userHasAllEntitlements(Id userId, Id courseId, Entitlements entitlements)
          userHasAllEntitlements Logical AND Use for fine-grained authorization --User may have be entitled access to a page, but not a given widget on the page
static boolean SecurityUtil.userHasEntitlement(Id userId, Id courseId, Entitlement entitlement)
          Method to check if an explicit user has a specific entitlement.

Uses of Id in blackboard.platform.session

Methods in blackboard.platform.session that return Id
 Id BbSession.getUserId()
          Returns the Id of the user associated with this session.

Uses of Id in blackboard.portal.external

Methods in blackboard.portal.external with parameters of type Id
static CustomData CustomData.getCustomData(Id moduleId, Id portalViewerId)
          Get CustomData without detailed reference to PortalRequestContext information.

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