Interface LinkDbPersister

All Superinterfaces:

public interface LinkDbPersister
extends Persister

This interface describes the set of methods that all database persisters for Link objects must implement.

A database persister allows an object to be stored (either inserted or updated) within the database or to be deleted from the database. Persisting methods are named according to the type of persistence that is performed.

Bb 6.0
$Revision: #1 $ $Date: 2005/06/27 $

Nested Class Summary
static class LinkDbPersister.Default
          A utility class that provides quick access to the LinkDbPersister instance associated with the default instance of the database BbPersistenceManager.
Field Summary
static java.lang.String TYPE
          Type used to obtain an instance of the class configured to provide the implementation for this interface.
Method Summary
 void deleteById(Id id)
          Deletes the Link identified by the given Id value using a connection from the associated persistence manager's database container.
 void deleteById(Id id, java.sql.Connection con)
          Deletes the Link identified by the given Id value using the supplied connection.
 void persist(Link link)
          Inserts or updates the supplied Link using a connection from the associated persistence manager's database container.
 void persist(Link link, java.sql.Connection con)
          Inserts or updates the supplied Link using the supplied connection.
Methods inherited from interface blackboard.persist.Persister
getAppVersion, init

Field Detail


static final java.lang.String TYPE
Type used to obtain an instance of the class configured to provide the implementation for this interface. Used when making a call to BbPersistenceManager.getPersister(String).

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


void persist(Link link)
             throws ValidationException,
Inserts or updates the supplied Link using a connection from the associated persistence manager's database container. If the object's Id is set and is associated with the same container, then an update is done, otherwise a new object is inserted.

link - the Link to be persisted
ValidationException - if the object is not in a consistent state to be persisted.
PersistenceException - if some other exception happens while persisting the object.


void persist(Link link,
             java.sql.Connection con)
             throws ValidationException,
Inserts or updates the supplied Link using the supplied connection. The connection must be to the same database as is used by the associated persistence manager. If the object's Id is set and is associated with this persistence manager's same container, then an update is done, otherwise a new object is inserted.

link - the Link to be persisted
con - the Connection to use to perform the persistence. If left null, method will use default connection.
ValidationException - if the object is not in a consistent state to be persisted.
PersistenceException - if some other exception happens while persisting the object.


void deleteById(Id id)
                throws KeyNotFoundException,
Deletes the Link identified by the given Id value using a connection from the associated persistence manager's database container.

Id - the Id of the link to be persisted
KeyNotFoundException - if an object with the given Id value can not be found
PersistenceException - if some other exception happens during the delete operation


void deleteById(Id id,
                java.sql.Connection con)
                throws KeyNotFoundException,
Deletes the Link identified by the given Id value using the supplied connection.

id - the Id of the Link to be persisted
con - the Connection to use to perform the persistence. If left null, method will use default connection.
KeyNotFoundException - if an object with the given Id value can not be found
PersistenceException - if some other exception happens during the delete operation

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