Interface Persister

All Known Subinterfaces:
AnnouncementDbPersister, CalendarEntryDbPersister, CartridgeDbPersister, ContentDbPersister, ContentFileDbPersister, ContentHandlerDbPersister, ContentHandlerXmlPersister, ContentStatusXmlPersister, CourseDbPersister, CourseMembershipDbPersister, CourseUploadDbPersister, GroupDbPersister, GroupMembershipDbPersister, GroupUploadDbPersister, LineitemDbPersister, LinkDbPersister, PlugInDbPersister, ScoreDbPersister, StaffInfoDbPersister, UploadedFileDbPersister, UserDbPersister, UserRoleDbPersister

public interface Persister

The Persister interface provides the base model for any object persister defined within the persistence framework. An object persister is charged with persisting an object to a container (data source).

Bb 5.5
$Revision: #1 $ $Date: 2005/06/27 $

Method Summary
 AppVersion getAppVersion()
          Returns the AppVersion associated with this Persister .
 void init(BbPersistenceManager pm, AppVersion appVersion)
          Initializes the persister with the given persistence manager reference and the provided application version.

Method Detail


void init(BbPersistenceManager pm,
          AppVersion appVersion)
Initializes the persister with the given persistence manager reference and the provided application version. This provides a persister with all of the information necessary to determine to where and how persisting should be performed.

pm - the BbPersistenceManager that should be considered the parent for this persister and thus references the container against which this persister should operate
appVersion - the AppVersion that should be used for determining the approriate object (or type of object) to persist


AppVersion getAppVersion()
Returns the AppVersion associated with this Persister .

the AppVersion associated with this persister

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