Package blackboard.persist.content

Interface Summary
AggregateReviewStatusDbLoader Loader interface for AggregateReviewStatusobjects, which encapsulate a learner's adaptive release status, and review status for associated Contentobjects.
ContentDbLoader This interface describes the set of methods that all database loaders for Content objects must implement.
ContentDbPersister This interface describes the set of methods that all database persisters for Content objects must implement.
ContentFileDbLoader This interface describes the set of methods that all database loaders for ContentFile objects must implement.
ContentFileDbPersister This interface describes the set of methods that all database persisters for Content objects must implement.
ContentStatusDbLoader Loader interface for ContentStatusobjects, which encapsulate a learner's adaptive release status, and review status for associated Contentobjects.
ContentStatusXmlLoader This interface describes the set of methods that all xml loaders for ContentStatus objects must implement.
ContentStatusXmlPersister This interface describes the set of methods that all xml persisters for ContentStatus objects must implement.
CourseUploadDbLoader This interface describes the set of methods that all database loaders for CourseUpload objects must implement.
CourseUploadDbPersister This interface describes the set of methods that all database persisters for CourseUpload objects must implement.
GroupUploadDbLoader This interface describes the set of methods that all database loaders for GroupUpload objects must implement.
GroupUploadDbPersister This interface describes the set of methods that all database persisters for GroupUpload objects must implement.
LinkDbLoader This interface describes the set of methods that all database loaders for Link objects must implement.
LinkDbPersister This interface describes the set of methods that all database persisters for Link objects must implement.
StaffInfoDbLoader This interface describes the set of methods that all database loaders for StaffInfo objects must implement.
StaffInfoDbPersister StaffInfo database persister interface.
UploadedFileDbLoader UploadedFileDbLoader
UploadedFileDbPersister UploadedFileDbPersister

Class Summary
AggregateReviewStatusDbLoader.Default Standard convenience accessor to get an instance of this loader.
ContentDbLoader.Default A utility class that provides quick access to the ContentDbLoader instance associated with the default instance of the database BbPersistenceManager.
ContentDbPersister.Default A utility class that provides quick access to the ContentDbPersister instance associated with the default instance of the database BbPersistenceManager.
ContentFileDbLoader.Default A utility class that provides quick access to the ContentFileDbLoader instance associated with the default instance of the database BbPersistenceManager.
ContentFileDbPersister.Default A utility class that provides quick access to the ContentDbPersister instance associated with the default instance of the database BbPersistenceManager.
ContentStatusDbLoader.Default Standard convenience accessor to get an instance of this loader.
LinkDbLoader.Default A utility class that provides quick access to the LinkDbLoader instance associated with the default instance of the database BbPersistenceManager.
LinkDbPersister.Default A utility class that provides quick access to the LinkDbPersister instance associated with the default instance of the database BbPersistenceManager.
StaffInfoDbLoader.Default A utility class that provides quick access to the StaffInfoDbLoader instance associated with the default instance of the database BbPersistenceManager.
StaffInfoDbPersister.Default A utility class that provides quick access to the StaffInfoDbLoader instance associated with the default instance of the database BbPersistenceManager.

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