Interface StaffInfoDbLoader

All Superinterfaces:

public interface StaffInfoDbLoader
extends Loader

This interface describes the set of methods that all database loaders for StaffInfo objects must implement.

Loading methods are named according to the criteria used for loading and the type of load that is performed.

Bb 5.5
$Revision: #1 $ $Date: 2005/06/27 $

Nested Class Summary
static class StaffInfoDbLoader.Default
          A utility class that provides quick access to the StaffInfoDbLoader instance associated with the default instance of the database BbPersistenceManager.
Field Summary
static java.lang.String TYPE
          Type used to obtain an instance of the class configured to provide the implementation for this interface.
Method Summary
 BbList loadByCourseId(Id courseId)
          Loads the list of StaffInfo/StaffInfoFolder objects for the given course (identified by id) from the database using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 BbList loadByCourseId(Id courseId, java.sql.Connection con)
          Loads the list of StaffInfo/StaffInfoFolder objects for the given course (identified by id) from the database using the supplied connection.
 java.util.List loadByCourseId(Id courseId, java.sql.Connection con, boolean heavy)
          Loads the list of StaffInfo/StaffInfoFolder objects for the given course (identified by id) from the database using the supplied connection.
 StaffInfo loadById(Id id)
          Load the StaffInfo or StaffInfoFolder with the given Id from the database using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 StaffInfo loadById(Id id, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load the StaffInfo or StaffInfoFolder with the given Id from the database using the supplied connection.
 BbList loadByParentId(Id parentId)
          Loads the list of StaffInfo/StaffInfoFolder objects that are the children of the object with the given Id from the database using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 BbList loadByParentId(Id parentId, java.sql.Connection con)
          Loads the list of StaffInfo/StaffInfoFolder objects that are the children of the object with the given Id from the database using the supplied connection.
 StaffInfoFolder loadFolderByCourseId(Id courseId)
          Loads the folder of StaffInfo/StaffInfoFolder objects for the given course (identified by id) from the database using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 StaffInfoFolder loadFolderByCourseId(Id courseId, java.sql.Connection con)
          Loads the folder of StaffInfo/StaffInfoFolder objects for the given course (identified by id) from the database using the supplied connection.
 StaffInfoFolder loadFolderByCourseId(Id courseId, java.sql.Connection con, boolean heavy)
          Loads the folder of StaffInfo/StaffInfoFolder objects for the given course (identified by id) from the database using the supplied connection.
 Id lookupTopFolderId(Id courseId)
          Loads the Id of "Top" StaffInfoFolder for the given course (identified by id) from the database using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 Id lookupTopFolderId(Id courseId, java.sql.Connection con)
          Loads the Id of "Top" StaffInfoFolder for the given course (identified by id) from the database using the supplied connection.
Methods inherited from interface blackboard.persist.Loader
getAppVersion, init

Field Detail


static final java.lang.String TYPE
Type used to obtain an instance of the class configured to provide the implementation for this interface. Used when making a call to BbPersistenceManager.getLoader(String).

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


StaffInfo loadById(Id id)
                   throws KeyNotFoundException,
Load the StaffInfo or StaffInfoFolder with the given Id from the database using a connection obtained through this object's database context.

id - the Id of the StaffInfo that should be loaded
KeyNotFoundException - if there is no StaffInfo in the database with the given Id
PersistenceException - if some other error occurs while loading the object


StaffInfo loadById(Id id,
                   java.sql.Connection con)
                   throws KeyNotFoundException,
Load the StaffInfo or StaffInfoFolder with the given Id from the database using the supplied connection.

id - the Id of the StaffInfo that should be loaded
con - the Connection to use to perform the load. Can be null.
KeyNotFoundException - if there is no StaffInfo in the database with the given Id
PersistenceException - if some other error occurs while loading the object


BbList loadByParentId(Id parentId)
                      throws KeyNotFoundException,
Loads the list of StaffInfo/StaffInfoFolder objects that are the children of the object with the given Id from the database using a connection obtained through this object's database context.

The list returned is ordered according to object position value.

parentId - the Id of the StaffInfoFolder whose children should be loaded
KeyNotFoundException - if the given id is invalid
PersistenceException - if some other error occurs while loading the object


BbList loadByParentId(Id parentId,
                      java.sql.Connection con)
                      throws KeyNotFoundException,
Loads the list of StaffInfo/StaffInfoFolder objects that are the children of the object with the given Id from the database using the supplied connection.

The list returned is ordered according to object position value.

parentId - the Id of the StaffInfoFolder whose children should be loaded
con - the Connection to use to perform the load. Can be null.
KeyNotFoundException - if the given id is invalid
PersistenceException - if some other error occurs while loading the object


BbList loadByCourseId(Id courseId)
                      throws KeyNotFoundException,
Loads the list of StaffInfo/StaffInfoFolder objects for the given course (identified by id) from the database using a connection obtained through this object's database context.

The list returned is ordered such that a parent will always appear before a child within the list, and within a child group (group of child with the same parent) objects will be ordered according to their position value.

The returned list will always contain the "Top" StaffInfoFolder object as the first element in the list. The "Top" element acts as an anchor for the StaffInfo area and is a StaffInfoFolder which is the root parent of all other defined staff info items.

courseId - the Id of the Course that the list of staff info objects should be loaded for
KeyNotFoundException - if the given course id is invalid
PersistenceException - if some other error occurs while loading the object


BbList loadByCourseId(Id courseId,
                      java.sql.Connection con)
                      throws KeyNotFoundException,
Loads the list of StaffInfo/StaffInfoFolder objects for the given course (identified by id) from the database using the supplied connection.

The list returned is ordered such that a parent will always appear before a child within the list, and within a child group (group of child with the same parent) objects will be ordered according to their position value.

The returned list will always contain the "Top" StaffInfoFolder object as the first element in the list. The "Top" element acts as an anchor for the StaffInfo area and is a StaffInfoFolder which is the root parent of all other defined staff info items.

courseId - the Id of the Course that the list of staff info objects should be loaded for
con - the Connection to use to perform the load. Can be null.
KeyNotFoundException - if the given course id is invalid
PersistenceException - if some other error occurs while loading the object


java.util.List loadByCourseId(Id courseId,
                              java.sql.Connection con,
                              boolean heavy)
                              throws KeyNotFoundException,
Loads the list of StaffInfo/StaffInfoFolder objects for the given course (identified by id) from the database using the supplied connection.

The list returned is ordered such that a parent will always appear before a child within the list, and within a child group (group of child with the same parent) objects will be ordered according to their position value.

The returned list will always contain the "Top" StaffInfoFolder object as the first element in the list. The "Top" element acts as an anchor for the StaffInfo area and is a StaffInfoFolder which is the root parent of all other defined staff info items.

courseId - the Id of the Course that the list of staff info objects should be loaded for
con - the Connection to use to perform the load. Can be null.
heavy - flag indicating whether to load the full object. If true, all fields are loaded. If false, only the name fields (Given and Family) are loaded. Use this option for lightweight display view.
KeyNotFoundException - if the given course id is invalid
PersistenceException - if some other error occurs while loading the object


StaffInfoFolder loadFolderByCourseId(Id courseId)
                                     throws KeyNotFoundException,
Loads the folder of StaffInfo/StaffInfoFolder objects for the given course (identified by id) from the database using a connection obtained through this object's database context.

The folder returned is an ordered tree with the "Top" StaffInfoFolder as the tree root. The "Top" element acts as an anchor for the StaffInfo area and is a StaffInfoFolder which is the root parent of all other defined staff info items.

courseId - the Id of the Course that the folder of staff info objects should be loaded for
KeyNotFoundException - if the given course id is invalid
PersistenceException - if some other error occurs while loading the object


StaffInfoFolder loadFolderByCourseId(Id courseId,
                                     java.sql.Connection con)
                                     throws KeyNotFoundException,
Loads the folder of StaffInfo/StaffInfoFolder objects for the given course (identified by id) from the database using the supplied connection.

The folder returned is an ordered tree with the "Top" StaffInfoFolder as the tree root. The "Top" element acts as an anchor for the StaffInfo area and is a StaffInfoFolder which is the root parent of all other defined staff info items.

courseId - the Id of the Course that the folder of staff info objects should be loaded for
con - the Connection to use to perform the load. Can be null.
KeyNotFoundException - if the given course id is invalid
PersistenceException - if some other error occurs while loading the object


StaffInfoFolder loadFolderByCourseId(Id courseId,
                                     java.sql.Connection con,
                                     boolean heavy)
                                     throws PersistenceException
Loads the folder of StaffInfo/StaffInfoFolder objects for the given course (identified by id) from the database using the supplied connection.

The folder returned is an ordered tree with the "Top" StaffInfoFolder as the tree root. The "Top" element acts as an anchor for the StaffInfo area and is a StaffInfoFolder which is the root parent of all other defined staff info items.

courseId - the Id of the Course that the folder of staff info objects should be loaded for
con - the Connection to use to perform the load. Can be null.
heavy - Flag determining whether to load the objects "heavy" or "light". If heavy == false, only the sirTitle, givenName, familyName, position, id, parentId, and isAvailable attributes will be loaded.
KeyNotFoundException - if the given course id is invalid
PersistenceException - if some other error occurs while loading the object


Id lookupTopFolderId(Id courseId)
                     throws KeyNotFoundException,
Loads the Id of "Top" StaffInfoFolder for the given course (identified by id) from the database using a connection obtained through this object's database context.

The "Top" element acts as an anchor for the StaffInfo area and is a StaffInfoFolder which is the root parent of all other defined staff info items.

courseId - the Id of the Course that the "Top" staff info folder Id should be loaded for
KeyNotFoundException - if the given course id is invalid
PersistenceException - if some other error occurs while loading the object


Id lookupTopFolderId(Id courseId,
                     java.sql.Connection con)
                     throws KeyNotFoundException,
Loads the Id of "Top" StaffInfoFolder for the given course (identified by id) from the database using the supplied connection.

The "Top" element acts as an anchor for the StaffInfo area and is a StaffInfoFolder which is the root parent of all other defined staff info items.

courseId - the Id of the Course that the "Top" staff info folder Id should be loaded for
con - the Connection to use to perform the load. Can be null.
KeyNotFoundException - if the given course id is invalid
PersistenceException - if some other error occurs while loading the object

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