Package blackboard.persist.gradebook

Interface Summary
GradeRecordDbLoader The GradeReportDbLoader interface provides a standard set of methods used to load GradeRecord and GradeRecordList from the Blackboard 5 database schema.
LineitemDbLoader The LineitemDbLoader interface provides a standard set of methods used to load Lineitems and LineitemLists from the Blackboard 5 database schema.
LineitemDbPersister The LineitemDbPersister interface provides a standard set of methods used to store Lineitem objects into the Blackboard database schema.
ScoreDbLoader The ScoreDbLoader interface provides a standard set of methods used to load Scores and ScoreLists from the Blackboard 5 database schema.
ScoreDbPersister The ScoreDbPersister interface provides a standard set of methods used to store Score objects into the Blackboard database schema.

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