Class Lineitem

  extended by
      extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
Available, IBbObject, java.lang.Cloneable

public class Lineitem
extends BbObject
implements Available

The Lineitem class represents a single gradable item in a course. These correspond to the Items that are defined in the user interface for the course gradebook. Included are methods for providing URL's to analysis and attempt handlers, and accessors for a String-based assessment Id. These handlers would typically be the Blackboard assessment engine, but could easily be third-party tools.

Interacting with the gradebook programmatically, typically consists of the following:

  1. Instantiate a Lineitem
  2. Set relevant properties on the Lineitem. courseId, pointsPossible, and title must be set before persisting.
  3. Persist the Lineitem, using LineitemDbPersister

After creating the Lineitem, the task of actually recording student scores comes down to the following:

  1. Creating a Score object
  2. Set the relevant properties (raw score)
  3. Load the associated Lineitem
  4. Set the Lineitem id on the Score object
  5. Persist the Score, using ScoreDbPersister

Note: Persisting a Lineitem requires the caller to have a PersistPermission with the name "OutcomeDefinition", with actions for create, modify, or delete, as appropriate. For system extensions, this is declared with a line in the manifest such as <permission type="persist" name="OutcomeDefinition" actions="create,modify,delete"/>

Note: Lineitem has completely replaced LwLineitem which has been removed from the 6.0 APIs as part of general platform development.

Bb 5.5
$Revision: #1 $ $Date: 2005/06/27 $

Nested Class Summary
static class Lineitem.AssessmentLocation
          Simple class to define where the assessment identified by assessmentId is located.
Field Summary
          Standard field used in persistence layer.
Fields inherited from class
Constructor Summary
          Constructs and returns a new Lineitem object with date added and date changed initialized to the current date.
Lineitem(OutcomeDefinition outcomeDefinition)
          Creates the Lineitem using the specified OutcomeDefinition.
Method Summary
protected  void clearAssessmentId()
          Clears the assessmentId and sets assessmentLocation to UNSET.
 java.lang.String getAnalysisHandlerUrl()
 java.lang.Object getAssessmentId()
          Returns a String-based Id for the associated assessment.
 Lineitem.AssessmentLocation getAssessmentLocation()
          assessmentLocation indicates whether the assessment referenced by this Lineitem is native to the Blackboard server or stored externally.
 java.lang.String getAttemptHandlerUrl()
          Returns the URL for this item's attemptHandler if this Lineitem points to an external assessment.
 int getColumnOrder()
          Returns the column position for this line item.
 Id getCourseId()
          Returns the Id of the Course this Lineitem is associated with.
 DataType getDataType()
          Returns the DataType identifier for this object.
 java.util.Calendar getDateAdded()
          Returns the date and time this Score was added to the gradebook.
 java.util.Calendar getDateChanged()
          Returns the date and time this Lineitem was modified.
 Id getId()
          Returns the Id associated with this BbObject.
 boolean getIsAvailable()
          Returns a flag describing whether students can see the item in their views of the gradebook.
 java.lang.String getName()
          Returns the name of the Lineitem.
 OutcomeDefinition getOutcomeDefinition()
          For internal use only.
 float getPointsPossible()
          Gets the points possible for this Lineitem
 BbList getScores()
          Gets all scores associated with this LineItem.
 java.lang.String getType()
          Returns the type of the Lineitem, for example 'Assessment' or 'Homework'.
 float getWeight()
          Gets the weight used in calculating cumulative scores.
 void setAnalysisHandlerUrl(java.lang.String analysisHandlerUrl)
 void setAssessmentId(java.lang.Object id, Lineitem.AssessmentLocation location)
          Sets the assessment Id to be used by an external assessment handler.
 void setAssessmentLocation(Lineitem.AssessmentLocation assessmentLocation)
          Manual over-ride for assessmentLocation.
 void setAttemptHandlerUrl(java.lang.String attemptHandlerUrl)
          Sets the URL to render student attempt data, if this Lineitem is set to interact with external assessment engines.
 void setColumnOrder(int iColumnOrder)
 void setCourseId(Id id)
          Sets the Course Id associated with this Lineitem.
 void setDateAdded()
          Sets the date and time this Lineitem was added to the gradebook using the current time.
 void setDateAdded(java.util.Calendar cDateAdded)
          Sets the date and time this Lineitem was added to the gradebook using the provided Calendar.
 void setDateChanged()
          Sets the date and time this Lineitem was modified using the current time.
 void setDateChanged(java.util.Calendar cDateChanged)
          Sets the date and time this Lineitem was modified using the provided Calendar.
protected  void setExternalAssessmentId(java.lang.String id)
          Sets the assessment Id to be used by an external assessment handler.
protected  void setInternalAssessmentId(Id id)
          Sets the assessment Id to be used by an internal assessment handler.
 void setIsAvailable(boolean bIsAvailable)
          Sets a flag describing whether students can see the item in their views of the gradebook.
 void setName(java.lang.String strName)
          Sets the name of the Lineitem.
 void setPointsPossible(float fPointsPossible)
          Sets the maximum points possible for this Lineitem.
 void setScores(BbList scores)
          Associates the input Score objects to this LineItem object.
 void setType(java.lang.String strType)
          Sets the type of the Lineitem.
 void setWeight(float fWeight)
          Sets the weight (as a percentage) for this Lineitem.
 java.lang.String toString()
          Returns the contents of this Lineitem object as a line-feed separated list of name value pairs of this object's properties.
 void validate()
          Validates the contents of this LineItem.
Methods inherited from class
clone, getBbAttributes, getCreatedDate, getModifiedDate, persist, setCreatedDate, setId, setModifiedDate
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final DataType LINEITEM_DATA_TYPE
Standard field used in persistence layer.

Constructor Detail


public Lineitem()
Constructs and returns a new Lineitem object with date added and date changed initialized to the current date.


public Lineitem(OutcomeDefinition outcomeDefinition)
Creates the Lineitem using the specified OutcomeDefinition. For internal use only.

Method Detail


public Id getId()
Description copied from class: BbObject
Returns the Id associated with this BbObject.

Specified by:
getId in interface IBbObject
getId in class BbObject
Id value for this BbObject


public OutcomeDefinition getOutcomeDefinition()
For internal use only.


public Id getCourseId()
Returns the Id of the Course this Lineitem is associated with.

A Course Id


public void setCourseId(Id id)
Sets the Course Id associated with this Lineitem.

id - A valid Course Id


public java.lang.Object getAssessmentId()
Returns a String-based Id for the associated assessment. This Id would be a standard Blackboard Id for a lineitem associated with a Blackboard assessment, and a String for a lineitem associated with an external assessment (e.g., assessmentLocation is EXTERNAL. This value would be substituted into the analysis handler URL for a third-party tool.

The Id of the assessment this Lineitem is associated with.


public void setAssessmentId(java.lang.Object id,
                            Lineitem.AssessmentLocation location)
Sets the assessment Id to be used by an external assessment handler. This Id can be either a standard Blackboard Id or a free-form String for use by a non-Blackboard assessment handler. If setting the value for an external assessment, the type of the id parameter must be a String and the location parameter must be AssessmentLocation.EXTERNAL. if setting the value for a Blackboard assessment, the type of the id parameter must be Id and the location parameter must be AssessmentLocation.INTERNAL.

id - The Id of the assessment this Lineitem is associated with.
location - The location of the assessment this Lineitem is associated with.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - Thrown if id and location arguments do not agree.


protected void setInternalAssessmentId(Id id)
Sets the assessment Id to be used by an internal assessment handler. This Id can be either a standard Blackboard PkId or a free-form String for use by a non-Blackboard assessment handler. Note that calling this method will clear the external assessment ID, if there is one, currently associated with this Lineitem.

id - The Id of the assessment this Lineitem is derived from.


protected void setExternalAssessmentId(java.lang.String id)
Sets the assessment Id to be used by an external assessment handler. This Id can be either a standard Blackboard Id or a free-form String for use by a non-Blackboard assessment handler.

To link to an external assessment engine, you must also call #setAttemptHandlerUrl(). The gradebook rendering logic will display the scores with a link to that URL, passing this id as a parameter.

Note: calling this method will clear the internal assessment ID, if there is one, currently associated with this Lineitem.

id - The Id of the assessment this Lineitem is derived from.


protected void clearAssessmentId()
Clears the assessmentId and sets assessmentLocation to UNSET.


public Lineitem.AssessmentLocation getAssessmentLocation()
assessmentLocation indicates whether the assessment referenced by this Lineitem is native to the Blackboard server or stored externally. It may be implied by other properties:

This value should typically only be of interest if the Lineitem points to an external assessment engine. It is then set implicitly via #setExternalAssessmentId().

Value of field, based on above rules.


public void setAssessmentLocation(Lineitem.AssessmentLocation assessmentLocation)
Manual over-ride for assessmentLocation. This method should not be called directly.

assessmentLocation - Value to set.


public java.lang.String getName()
Returns the name of the Lineitem. This will correspond to the column header in the spreadsheet view.

The name of the Lineitem


public void setName(java.lang.String strName)
Sets the name of the Lineitem.

strName - The name of the Lineitem


public java.lang.String getType()
Returns the type of the Lineitem, for example 'Assessment' or 'Homework'. This value is actually free-form, even though a drop-down appears in the user interface.

The type of the Lineitem


public void setType(java.lang.String strType)
             throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Sets the type of the Lineitem. The type does not have to conform to a preset list. However, if the type does not exist in association with the current course, it is written to the database.

strType - The type of the Lineitem, as a String. The value does not have to conform to a preset list.


public boolean getIsAvailable()
Returns a flag describing whether students can see the item in their views of the gradebook.

Specified by:
getIsAvailable in interface Available
True if the Lineitem is visible to the student, false otherwise


public void setIsAvailable(boolean bIsAvailable)
Sets a flag describing whether students can see the item in their views of the gradebook.

Specified by:
setIsAvailable in interface Available
bIsAvailable - True if the Lineitem should be visible to the student, false otherwise


public int getColumnOrder()
Returns the column position for this line item.

Column position for this line item.


public void setColumnOrder(int iColumnOrder)


public float getPointsPossible()
Gets the points possible for this Lineitem

Points possible, as a float value


public void setPointsPossible(float fPointsPossible)
Sets the maximum points possible for this Lineitem.

fPointsPossible - Float value for points possible.


public float getWeight()
Gets the weight used in calculating cumulative scores.



public void setWeight(float fWeight)
Sets the weight (as a percentage) for this Lineitem. Thus, if you wanted to weight this lineitem as 40% of the total, you should set this value to .40F.

fWeight - Percentage weight as a float value.


public java.lang.String getAttemptHandlerUrl()
Returns the URL for this item's attemptHandler if this Lineitem points to an external assessment.

Note that in release 5.x, the URL format for the system extension did not include the Virtual Installation information; in release 6.x, the URL includes a string in the URL that does identify the Virtual Installation. As a result, developers should double check the value to make sure it is in the proper format.

The URL for the external attempt handler.


public void setAttemptHandlerUrl(java.lang.String attemptHandlerUrl)
Sets the URL to render student attempt data, if this Lineitem is set to interact with external assessment engines.

Note that in release 5.x, the URL format for the system extension did not include the Virtual Installation information; in release 6.x, the URL includes a string in the URL that does identify the Virtual Installation. As a result, developers should double check the value to make sure it is in the proper format.

attemptHandlerUrl - URL value.


public java.lang.String getAnalysisHandlerUrl()


public void setAnalysisHandlerUrl(java.lang.String analysisHandlerUrl)


public java.util.Calendar getDateAdded()
Returns the date and time this Score was added to the gradebook. This field is separate from the database row specific timestamp for creation, which simply tags the time the row was inserted.

A Calendar containing the date and time when this Lineitem was added to the gradebook


public void setDateAdded()
Sets the date and time this Lineitem was added to the gradebook using the current time. This field is separate from the database row specific timestamp for creation, which simply tags the time the row was inserted.


public void setDateAdded(java.util.Calendar cDateAdded)
Sets the date and time this Lineitem was added to the gradebook using the provided Calendar. This field is separate from the database row specific timestamp for creation, which simply tags the time the row was inserted.

cDateAdded - The date and time this Lineitem was added to the gradebook


public java.util.Calendar getDateChanged()
Returns the date and time this Lineitem was modified. This field is separate from the database row specific timestamp for modification, which simply tags the time the row was updated.

A Calendar containing the date and time when this Lineitem was modified


public void setDateChanged()
Sets the date and time this Lineitem was modified using the current time. This field is separate from the database row specific timestamp for creation, which simply tags the time the row was updated.


public void setDateChanged(java.util.Calendar cDateChanged)
Sets the date and time this Lineitem was modified using the provided Calendar. This field is separate from the database row specific timestamp for creation, which simply tags the time the row was updated.

cDateChanged - The date and time this Lineitem was modified


public BbList getScores()
Gets all scores associated with this LineItem.

The list of Scores associated with this LineItem.


public void setScores(BbList scores)
Associates the input Score objects to this LineItem object. The LineItem must be persisted before invoking this method. The scores are not persisted when this LineItem is persisted. The client must explicitly persist each Score.

scores - - List of Score objects


public DataType getDataType()
Returns the DataType identifier for this object. Can be used to uniquely identify the "type" of this data object.

Specified by:
getDataType in interface IBbObject
Specified by:
getDataType in class BbObject
the DataType for this object


public java.lang.String toString()
Returns the contents of this Lineitem object as a line-feed separated list of name value pairs of this object's properties. The line-feed character used is the one specified by the java system property "line.separator". This method can be used for debug purposes.

toString in class BbObject
a String that represents the contents of this object


public void validate()
              throws ValidationException
Validates the contents of this LineItem. Internal consistency checks are also performed.

Specified by:
validate in interface IBbObject
validate in class BbObject
ValidationException - if validation of this object fails

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