Class PkId

  extended by blackboard.persist.Id
      extended by blackboard.persist.PkId
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class PkId
extends Id

The PkId class provides the means of describing an Id within a Blackboard database container.

Bb 5.5
$Revision: #1 $ $Date: 2005/06/27 $

Field Summary
static int DEFAULT_PK2
Fields inherited from class blackboard.persist.Id
Constructor Summary
PkId(Container container, DataType dataType, int nPk1, int nPk2)
          Instantiate a new PkId with the given Container, DataType, and pk key values as integers.
PkId(Container container, DataType dataType, java.lang.String strPk)
          Instantiate a new PkId with the given Container, DataType, and pk key values as a single string.
PkId(Container container, DataType dataType, java.lang.String strPk1, java.lang.String strPk2)
          Instantiate a new PkId with the given Container, DataType, and pk key values as strings.
Method Summary
 int compareTo(java.lang.Object obj)
          The sole method of the Comparable interface.
 boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
          Overrides the equals() method in Object to provide a simple way to compare two PkIds.
 int getPk1()
          Returns the primary key value of this PkId (PK1).
 int getPk2()
          Returns the secondary key value of this PkId (PK2 or SOS_ID).
 int hashCode()
          Allow Ids to be used as a key in a hashtable.
 boolean isSet()
          Determines if the PkId has been set.
 BbObject load()
          Overrides load method in the base class to implement a "load by id" operation for a database id (and thus for a database container).
 java.lang.String toExternalString()
          Converts this PkId into its String representation.
 java.lang.String toString()
          Converts this PkId into its String representation.
Methods inherited from class blackboard.persist.Id
assertIsSet, assertMatchesContainer, assertMatchesDataType, generateId, generateId, generateId, getContainer, getDataType, hasSameContainer, hasSameDataType, matchesContainer, matchesDataType, newId, setContainer, setDataType
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int DEFAULT_PK2
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public PkId(Container container,
            DataType dataType,
            int nPk1,
            int nPk2)
     throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Instantiate a new PkId with the given Container, DataType, and pk key values as integers.

container - the Container in which the object this Id refers to resides
dataType - the DataType of the object that this Id refers to
nPk1 - An int representing the primary key value.
nPk2 - An int representing the secondary primary key value (SOS_ID).
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - thrown if either of the integer values is not a valid key representation (i.e., a negative value).


public PkId(Container container,
            DataType dataType,
            java.lang.String strPk1,
            java.lang.String strPk2)
     throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Instantiate a new PkId with the given Container, DataType, and pk key values as strings.

container - the Container in which the object this Id refers to resides
dataType - the DataType of the object that this Id refers to
strPk1 - A String representing the primary key value.
strPk2 - A String representing the secondary primary key value (SOS_ID).
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - thrown if either of the String values is not a valid key representation (i.e., an int) or null.


public PkId(Container container,
            DataType dataType,
            java.lang.String strPk)
     throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Instantiate a new PkId with the given Container, DataType, and pk key values as a single string. The string provided as the key value should be of the form as generated by toExternalString().

container - the Container in which the object this id refers to resides
dataType - the DataType of the object that this id refers to
strPk - A String representing the intenal id value(s).
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - thrown if the String value can not be interpreted as a valid key representation.
Method Detail


public boolean isSet()
Determines if the PkId has been set.

Specified by:
isSet in class Id
true -- a PkId instance is not allowed to be "unset"


public int getPk1()
Returns the primary key value of this PkId (PK1).

an int representing the primary key value of this pkId.


public int getPk2()
Returns the secondary key value of this PkId (PK2 or SOS_ID).

an int representing the secondary key value of this PkId.


public boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
Overrides the equals() method in Object to provide a simple way to compare two PkIds.

Specified by:
equals in class Id
obj - the object to be compared.
true if the two Objects are the same, false otherwise.


public int compareTo(java.lang.Object obj)
              throws java.lang.ClassCastException
The sole method of the Comparable interface. Used for sorting and natural-ordering algorithms.

Specified by:
compareTo in interface java.lang.Comparable
Specified by:
compareTo in class Id
obj - the object to be compared to.
a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this object is less than, equal to, or greater than the specified object.
java.lang.ClassCastException - thrown if the specified object's type prevents it from being compared to this Object


public int hashCode()
Allow Ids to be used as a key in a hashtable. For a mapping of Id to BbObject to work using the PkId class, all of the BbObjects in the collection must originate from the same database table. This could be resolved later by adding type information to the Id class.

Specified by:
hashCode in class Id
a hash code value for this object as an int


public java.lang.String toExternalString()
Converts this PkId into its String representation. The output of this method is designed to create an able-to-be-parsed (not necessarily human-readable) representation of this PkId value. If a human- readable form of this PkId is desired, use toString().

The string generated by this method is said to be "able to be parsed" because it is designed to be used as the key value input when generating a new Id value using the methods provided in BbPersistenceManager and Container. The output of this method may be the same as that generated by toString(), but it is not guaranteed to be. As a result, this method should be used whenever a string value is desired that can later be converted back into a proper PkId value.

Specified by:
toExternalString in class Id
A String representation of this PkId that is able to be parsed.
See Also:
toString(), BbPersistenceManager.generateId(DataType,String), Container.generateId(DataType,String)


public java.lang.String toString()
Converts this PkId into its String representation. The output of this method is designed to create a human-readable (not necessarily able to be parsed) representation of this PkId value. If an "able to be parsed" form of this PkId is desired, use toExternalString().

Specified by:
toString in class Id
A String representation of this PkId that is human- readable.
See Also:


public BbObject load()
              throws PersistenceException
Overrides load method in the base class to implement a "load by id" operation for a database id (and thus for a database container).

An Id object contains enough information to uniquely identify an object in the system. First, it contains a Container, which for a PkId (us) should be a DatabaseContainer. This value describes the database the object should reside in. Second, an Id contains a DataType value. This value describes the type of object we are looking for, and thus for a PkId, describes what database loader we can use to pull the object. Finally, an Id contains a key. For a PkId, this value identifies the individual object (among the type) that we are looking. This typically means an individual row within an individual table in the database.

load in class Id
the BbObject derived value that matches the current id value
PersistenceException - if an error occurs while loading the object

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