List of South American species of Pogonomyrmex

Taxonomy follows Bolton (1995, 2012)
Note that RAJ-names and new synonomies are unpublished manuscript names that are not to be used


    P. angustus-group (diagnosis of angustus-group species)
    P. angustus Mayr, 1870 (w.q.m)
    P. laevigatus Santschi, 1921 (w.m)
    P. odoratus Kusnezov, 1949 (w.q.m)

  P. brevibarbis-group
    P. brevibarbis Emery, 1906 (w.q.m) - ARGENTINA

    P. sp. RAJ-care Santschi, 1922 (w.q.m) - ARGENTINA
   P. sp. RAJ-erem Johnson (worker, large ergatoid queen, small ergatoid queen, and male to be described) -ARGENTINA

   P. sp. RAJ-erga Johnson (worker, ergatoid queen to be described) - ARGENTINA

   P. sp. RAJ-long Santschi, 1917 (w) (male to be described) - ARGENTINA

   P. sp. RAJ-nige Santschi, 1925 (w.m) - ARGENTINA
   P. sp. RAJ-silv Emery, 1906 (w) (queen and male to be described) - ARGENTINA

  P. coarctatus-group  (diagnosis of coarctatus-group species)

   P. coarctatus Mayr, 1868 (w.q.m) - ARGENTINA; URUGAUY

   P. lobatus Santschi, 1921 (w) (queen and male to be described) - ARGENTINA; BRAZIL; URUGUAY

   P. marcusi Kusnezov, 1951 (w.q.m) - BOLIVIA

   P. micans Forel, 1914 (w.m) (queen to be described) - ARGENTINA; PARAGUAY

  P. cunicularius-group (diagnosis of cunicularius-group species)

    P. cunicularius Mayr, 1887 (w.q.m) (queen is ergatoid) - ARGENTINA; URUGUAY

    P. sp. RAJ-penc Forel, 1914 (w.m) (ergatoid queen to be described) - ARGENTINA

    P. sp. RAJ-serp Santschi, 1922 (w) (ergatoid queen to be described) - ARGENTINA; PARAGUAY; BOLIVIA

  P. inermis-group (diagnosis of inermis-group species)

    P. bispinosus (Spinola, 1851) (w.q.m) - CHILE

    P. inermis Forel, 1914 (w) (queen and male to be described) - ARGENTINA

    P. uruguayensis Mayr, 1887 (w) (queen and male to be described) - ARGENTINA; URUGUAY

  P. laticeps-group (diagnosis of laticeps-group species)
     P. laticeps Santschi, 1922 (w.q) (queen dimorphic with brachypterous and ergatoid queens)(male to be described) - ARGENTINA

     P. mendozanus Cuezzo & Claver 2009 - ARGENTINA
     P. sp. RAJ-tino Johnson (worker and dealate queen to be described) - ARGENTINA

  P. mayri-group (diagnosis of mayri-group species)
   P. mayri Forel, 1899 (w.q.m) (queen is ergatoid) - COLOMBIA

  P. naegelii-group
    P. abdominalis Santschi, 1929 (w.q) - ARGENTINA; BOLIVIA; BRAZIL
    P. naegelii Forel, in Emery 1878 (w.q.m) (queen dimorphic with alate and ergatoid queens) - ARGENTINA, BOLIVIA, BRAZIL, COLOMBIA, GUYANA,

    P. tenuipubens
Santschi, 1936 (w) - ARGENTINA, PARAGUAY

   P. rastratus-group
   P. sp. RAJ-altic Johnson (worker, alate queen to be described) - ARGENTINA

     P. sp. RAJ-altip Johnson (worker, alate queen, male to be described) - ARGENTINA
     P. andinus Kusnezov, 1951 (w.q.m)(queen is brachypterous) -  ARGENTINA
     P. sp. RAJ-apte Johnson (worker, ergatoid queen, ergatoid male to be described) - ARGENTINA

     P. sp. RAJ-arau Johnson (worker and alate queen to be described) ARGENTINA

     P. sp. RAJ-atac Johnson (worker, alate queen, male to be described) - CHILE

     P. atratus Santschi, 1922 (w) - ARGENTINA

     P. sp. RAJ-boli Johnson (worker to be described) - BOLIVIA

     P. carbonarius Mayr, 1868 (w) (queen and male to be described) - ARGENTINA
    P. catanlilensis Gallardo, 1931 (w) (queen to be described) - ARGENTINA

    P. sp. RAJ-colc Johnson (worker to be described) - PERU

    P. sp. RAJ-cusq Johnson (worker to be described) - PERU

    P. sp. RAJ-fore Johnson (worer to be described) - ARGENTINA
    P. sp. RAJ-gran Johnson (worker, male to be described) - ARGENTINA

    P. sp. RAJ-inte Menozzi, 1935 (w, queen and male to be described) - CHILE

    P. sp. RAJ-lagu Johnson (worker, ergatoid queen, ergatoid male to be described) - ARGENTINA

    P. leonis Kusnezov (worker) - ARGENTINA
    P. longibarbis Gallardo, 1931 (w)(brachypterous queen to be described) - ARGENTINA
P. sp. RAJ-mapu Johnson (worker and dealate queen to be described) - ARGENTINA
    P. sp. RAJ-maul Johnson (worker, alate queen, male to be described) - CHILE
    P. meridionalis Kusnezov, 1951 ARGENTINA
    P. sp. RAJ-pich Johnson (worker, alate queen to be described (ARGENTINA, CHILE)

    P. pronotalis Santschi, 1922 (w) - ARGENTINA
    P. sp. RAJ-prop Johnson
. pulchellus Santschi, 1925 (w) (queen, male to be described) - ARGENTINA
    P. rastratus Mayr, 1868 (w) (queen, male to be described) - ARGENTINA

    P. sp. RAJ-sanm Kusnezov, 1953 (w) - ARGENTINA
    P. sp. RAJ-sant Johnson (worker, queen, and male to be described) - ARGENTINA, CHILE
    P. sp. RAJ-semi Emery, 1906 (w.q) - CHILE
    P. sp. RAJ spin Emery, 1906 (worker to be described.q.m) - CHILE
    P. sp. RAJ-taf Johnson (worker, alate queen, male to be described) - ARGENTINA
    P. sp. RAJ-vari Johnson (worker, alate queen, male to be described) - ARGENTINA
    P. vermiculatus Emery, 1906 (w) (queen and male to be described) - ARGENTINA; CHILE
    P. sp. RAJ-weis Santschi, 1922 (w.q.m) - ARGENTINA

    P. sp. RAJ-wils Johnson (worker to be described) - CHILE


  P. sylvestris-group (diagnosis of sylvestris-group species)
    P. stefani Lattke, 2006 (w.m) - VENEZUELA

    P. striatinodis Fernández & Palacio, 1997 (w) - COLOMBIA; ECUADOR

    P. sylvestris Lattke, 1990 (w) - VENEZUELA

   Unplaced species

     P. theresiae Forel, 1899 (w) - ECUADOR