Species: Pogonomyrmex longibarbis
Taxonomic history (from RAJ):
Pogonomyrmex longibarbis Gallardo, 1931: 185, fig. 1 (worker). Syntypes examined: 3 workers [MACN], ARGENTINA, Territory of the Andes: Antofalla, 3600 m, #1556 (Weiser leg., 3 March, 1923). See also Gallardo, 1932: 164, fig. 44; Kusznezov, 1951: 275, fig. 12b (MACN worker here designated LECTOTYPE).

In the introduction of his paper, Gallardo (1931) indicated that he named this species
"longibarbis” because of its long ammochaetae, which collectively comprise the psammophore.
Species description:
Gallardo, 1931 (from RAJ revision)
Other literature: Gallardo, 1932; Kusnezov, 1951
Photos of all castes: lectotype, worker, alate queen, brachypterous queen, male

Photos courtesy of Brian Fisher & Antweb