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Greater Expectations: A New Vision for Learning as a Nation Goes to College


Dennis Russell

Arizona State University

A report of the American Association of Colleges and Universities, Greater Expectations sets forth a bold new vision of higher education in the United States in the twenty-first century. The nation is approaching nearly universal participation in higher education as we complete our transformation from an industrial to a knowledge-based society. More than ever before, higher education plays a critical role in preparing all Americans to actively participate in a rich, complex, multicultural global community.

Acknowledging the shifting demographics of the United States, the report calls for a reorganization of undergraduate education to ensure that all students not only have access to college programs but also receive a high-quality education, which will be of lasting value. Schools and colleges need to rethink their structures and their practices, which have traditionally served white and privileged students well, and incorporate available findings of research on teaching that have the potential to improve every student's achievement.

The report is organized into five chapters. The first two chapters set forth the vision of the college of the twenty-first century and the barriers that need to be addressed, both in K-12 schools and in colleges. One of the barriers identified in the report is the "continuing patterns of separation and discrimination," describing a public school system with patterns of uneven distribution of resources among schools and higher dropout rates for minority students.

The third chapter describes the kind of education students need to be prepared for work and participation in a democratic society. The fourth chapter describes how schools and colleges that are focused on learning can help all students achieve the education they need.

The final chapter outlines the principles and recommended action steps that need to be taken to achieve the vision. The steps are broad and would require the active participation of policymakers, college and university leaders and faculty, along with business and community leaders.

Additional information concerning this report, as well as the report in its entirety, can be found on the web at www.greaterexpectations.org. The website of the Association of American Colleges and Universities is www.aacu.org.