Arizona State University College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Chicana and Chicano StudiesLatino Health Issues

Prevenir es Vida Latinas and Breast Cancer outline of woman

Breast Self Exam
Autoexamen del Seno
Latina Facts
pink ribbon
doctor and patient   breast self-exam    

Breast cancer is an issue that most Latinas do not talk about with other women. It can sometimes be difficult to talk about breast cancer, but every woman should know how breast cancer can affect her. This site was designed to help inform Latinas about breast cancer and teach them preventive care.

Prevenir es Vida is designed to help Latinas learn how to check for breast cancer before it can develop unnoticed. This is a discreet site that will allow Latina women to get information about breast cancer, without having to feel uncomfortable asking other women about such personal issues.

This site provides a guide on how to perform a Breast Self Examination both in English and in Spanish (Autoexamen del Seno). These tools are helpful in detecting breast cancer at its earlier states.

Although a breast self examination can help woman detect cancer, a mammogram can be most useful. This site also provides information on what a mammogram is and how it can be useful to all women.

The way in which breast cancer affects Latinas is different among other ethnic groups. Prevenir es Vida provides facts about Latinas and how breast cancer affects them. This site also gives information on the growing trend of Promotoras in the Latino Community.

Links: is a government site that provides information and resources for many types of cancers.

Breast Cancer Support and Advocacy is a site that provides links and phone numbers to many breast cancer sites near you.

The site provides information about breast cancer for Latina women both in Spanish and in English.


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This site was created by Charlene Ruiz in fulfillment of requirements for the course CSS 335: Latino Health Issues taught by Dr. Szkupinski Quiroga at Arizona State University, Spring 2004.