Uses of Class

Packages that use DataType Provides the base classes for the persistence layer of platform API. Provides classes used to store "announcements" in the Blackboard system. Provides classes used to store entries in the course, system, and personal calendars in the Blackboard system. Provides the classes used to store course content in Blackboard. Provides the classes used to interact with course definitions in Blackboard. Provides the public implementation classes for Gradebook subsystem. Provides the classes used to interact with user definitions in Blackboard. 

Uses of DataType in

Methods in that return DataType
 DataType IBbObject.getDataType()
          Returns the DataType identifier for the given IBbObject-derived object.
abstract  DataType BbObject.getDataType()
          Returns the DataType identifier for the given BbObject-derived object.

Uses of DataType in

Fields in declared as DataType
static DataType Announcement.ANNOUNCEMENT_DATA_TYPE
          Deprecated. Use the constant Announcement.DATA_TYPE instead
static DataType Announcement.DATA_TYPE

Methods in that return DataType
 DataType Announcement.getDataType()
          Returns the DataType identifier for this object.

Uses of DataType in

Fields in declared as DataType
static DataType CalendarEntry.CALENDAR_ENTRY_DATA_TYPE
          Deprecated. Use the constant CalendarEntry.DATA_TYPE instead
static DataType CalendarEntry.DATA_TYPE
          Constant used to identify data type

Methods in that return DataType
 DataType CalendarEntry.getDataType()
          Returns the DataType identifier for this object.

Uses of DataType in

Fields in declared as DataType
static DataType CourseDocument.COURSE_DOCUMENT_DATA_TYPE
          Deprecated. Use the constant CourseDocument.DATA_TYPE instead
static DataType UploadedFile.DATA_TYPE
static DataType StaffInfoFolder.DATA_TYPE
          Standard persistence object data type constant
static DataType StaffInfo.DATA_TYPE
          Standard data object type constant
static DataType Link.DATA_TYPE
static DataType Lesson.DATA_TYPE
static DataType GroupUpload.DATA_TYPE
static DataType ExternalLink.DATA_TYPE
static DataType CourseUpload.DATA_TYPE
static DataType CourseLink.DATA_TYPE
static DataType CourseDocument.DATA_TYPE
static DataType ContentStatus.DATA_TYPE
static DataType ContentFolder.DATA_TYPE
          Object data type constant
static DataType ContentFileRef.DATA_TYPE
static DataType ContentFile.DATA_TYPE
static DataType Content.DATA_TYPE
static DataType ChildFile.DATA_TYPE
static DataType AggregateReviewStatus.DATA_TYPE
static DataType ExternalLink.EXTERNAL_LINK_DATA_TYPE
          Deprecated. Use the constant ExternalLink.DATA_TYPE instead
static DataType StaffInfo.STAFF_INFO_DATA_TYPE
          Deprecated. Use the constant StaffInfo.DATA_TYPE instead
static DataType StaffInfoFolder.STAFF_INFO_FOLDER_DATA_TYPE
          Deprecated. Use the constant StaffInfoFolder.DATA_TYPE instead

Methods in that return DataType
 DataType UploadedFile.getDataType()
 DataType StaffInfoFolder.getDataType()
          Returns the DataType identifier for this object.
 DataType StaffInfo.getDataType()
          Returns the DataType identifier for this object.
 DataType Link.getDataType()
          Returns the DataType identifier for the given BbObject-derived object.
 DataType Lesson.getDataType()
          Returns the DataType identifier for this object.
 DataType GroupUpload.getDataType()
 DataType ExternalLink.getDataType()
          Returns the DataType identifier for this object.
 DataType CourseUpload.getDataType()
 DataType CourseLink.getDataType()
          Returns the DataType identifier for this object.
 DataType CourseDocument.getDataType()
          Returns the DataType identifier for this object.
 DataType ContentStatus.getDataType()
 DataType ContentFolder.getDataType()
          Returns the DataType identifier for this object.
 DataType ContentFileRef.getDataType()
          Returns the DataType identifier for this object.
 DataType ContentFile.getDataType()
          Returns the DataType identifier for this object.
 DataType Content.getDataType()
          Returns the DataType identifier for this object.
 DataType ChildFile.getDataType()
          Returns the DataType identifier for this object.
 DataType AggregateReviewStatus.getDataType()
 DataType Link.ReferrerType.toDataType()
          Returns the DataType that should be used for creating an appropriate Id value for this "referrer" type value.
 DataType Link.ReferredToType.toDataType()
          Returns the DataType that should be used for creating an appropriate Id value for this "referred to" type value.

Uses of DataType in

Fields in declared as DataType
static DataType Course.COURSE_DATA_TYPE
          Deprecated. Use the constant Course.DATA_TYPE instead
static DataType CourseMembership.COURSE_MEMBERSHIP_DATA_TYPE
          Deprecated. Use the constant CourseMembership.DATA_TYPE instead
static DataType GroupMembership.DATA_TYPE
static DataType Group.DATA_TYPE
static DataType CourseMembership.DATA_TYPE
static DataType Course.DATA_TYPE
          Object data type constant used in brokering loaders and persisters
static DataType Cartridge.DATA_TYPE

Methods in that return DataType
 DataType GroupMembership.getDataType()
          Returns the DataType identifier for this object.
 DataType Group.getDataType()
          Returns the DataType identifier for this object.
 DataType CourseMembership.getDataType()
          Returns the DataType identifier for this object.
 DataType Course.getDataType()
          Returns the DataType identifier for this object.
 DataType Cartridge.getDataType()
          Returns the DataType identifier for this object.

Uses of DataType in

Fields in declared as DataType
static DataType Lineitem.LINEITEM_DATA_TYPE
          Standard field used in persistence layer.
static DataType Score.SCORE_DATA_TYPE

Methods in that return DataType
 DataType Score.getDataType()
          Returns the DataType identifier for this object.
 DataType Lineitem.getDataType()
          Returns the DataType identifier for this object.

Uses of DataType in

Fields in declared as DataType
static DataType CourseToc.DATA_TYPE

Methods in that return DataType
 DataType CourseToc.getDataType()
          Returns the DataType identifier for this object.

Uses of DataType in

Fields in declared as DataType
static DataType PortalRole.DATA_TYPE

Methods in that return DataType
 DataType PortalRole.getDataType()
          Returns the DataType identifier for this object.

Uses of DataType in

Fields in declared as DataType
static DataType UserRole.DATA_TYPE
static DataType User.DATA_TYPE
          Object data type constant, used in finding loaders and persisters
static DataType User.USER_DATA_TYPE
          Deprecated. Use the constant User.DATA_TYPE instead

Methods in that return DataType
 DataType UserRole.getDataType()
          Returns the DataType identifier for this object.
 DataType User.getDataType()
          Returns the DataType identifier for this object.

Uses of DataType in blackboard.persist

Fields in blackboard.persist declared as DataType
static DataType DataType.NULL_DATA_TYPE

Methods in blackboard.persist that return DataType
 DataType Id.getDataType()
          Returns the DataType associated with this Id.

Methods in blackboard.persist with parameters of type DataType
 void Id.assertMatchesDataType(DataType targetDataType)
          Asserts that the DataType value associated with this Id matches the provided DataType value.
 Id RemoteDbContainer.generateId(DataType dataType, int nKey1)
          Generates an Id instance specific to this DatabaseContainer .
static Id Id.generateId(DataType dataType, int nKey1)
          Generates an Id instance using the default database persistence manager as given by context.
 Id DatabaseContainer.generateId(DataType dataType, int nKey1)
          Generates an Id instance specific to this DatabaseContainer .
 Id Container.generateId(DataType dataType, int nKey1)
          Generates an Id instance specific to this Container.
 Id BbPersistenceManager.generateId(DataType dataType, int nKey1)
          Generates an Id instance specific to the Container associated with this persistence manager.
 Id RemoteDbContainer.generateId(DataType dataType, int nKey1, int nKey2)
          Generates an Id instance specific to this XmlContainer .
static Id Id.generateId(DataType dataType, int nKey1, int nKey2)
          Generates an Id instance using the default database persistence manager as given by context.
 Id DatabaseContainer.generateId(DataType dataType, int nKey1, int nKey2)
          Generates an Id instance specific to this DatabaseContainer .
 Id Container.generateId(DataType dataType, int nKey1, int nKey2)
          Generates an Id instance specific to this Container.
 Id BbPersistenceManager.generateId(DataType dataType, int nKey1, int nKey2)
          Generates an Id instance specific to the Container associated with this persistence manager.
 Id RemoteDbContainer.generateId(DataType dataType, java.lang.String strKey)
          Generates an Id instance specific to this XmlContainer .
static Id Id.generateId(DataType dataType, java.lang.String strKey)
          Generates an Id instance using the default database persistence manager as given by context.
 Id DatabaseContainer.generateId(DataType dataType, java.lang.String strKey)
          Generates an Id instance specific to this DatabaseContainer.
 Id Container.generateId(DataType dataType, java.lang.String strKey)
          Generates an Id instance specific to this Container.
 Id BbPersistenceManager.generateId(DataType dataType, java.lang.String strKey)
          Generates an Id instance specific to the Container associated with this persistence manager.
 boolean Id.matchesDataType(DataType targetDataType)
          Returns true if the given DataType matches the DataType of this Id.
static Id Id.newId(DataType dataType)
          Returns a new Id instance, using a default implementation.
 void UnsetId.setDataType(DataType dataType)
          Override Id.setDataType(DataType) to prevent the setting of the data type value within an UnsetId.
 void Id.setDataType(DataType dataType)
          Associates the given DataType with this Id.
static java.lang.String DataType.toDbLoaderType(DataType dataType)
          Returns a loader type key that can be use for retrieving a database loader (from an appropriate persistence manager -- see below) capable of handling objects with the given data type (see BbObject.getDataType()).
static java.lang.String DataType.toDbPersisterType(DataType dataType)
          Returns a persister type key that can be use for retrieving a database persister (from an appropriate persistence manager -- see below) capable of handling objects with the given data type (see BbObject.getDataType()).

Constructors in blackboard.persist with parameters of type DataType
Id(Container container, DataType dataType)
          Creates Id identifying it with the given container and data type values.
Id(DataType dataType)
          Creates an Id identifying it with the given data type value.
PkId(Container container, DataType dataType, int nPk1, int nPk2)
          Instantiate a new PkId with the given Container, DataType, and pk key values as integers.
PkId(Container container, DataType dataType, java.lang.String strPk)
          Instantiate a new PkId with the given Container, DataType, and pk key values as a single string.
PkId(Container container, DataType dataType, java.lang.String strPk1, java.lang.String strPk2)
          Instantiate a new PkId with the given Container, DataType, and pk key values as strings.

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