Class ContentFolder

  extended by
      extended by
          extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
Available, Aggregate, Folder, IBbObject, Positionable, java.lang.Cloneable
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class ContentFolder
extends Content
implements Aggregate

The ContentFolder class is a representation of a folder within the Bb Course Management System. A content folder provides a means of organizing documents, other folders, lessons, and links.

The children are maintained as an order list of Content objects.

Bb 6.0
$Revision: #1 $ $Date: 2005/06/27 $

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class
Field Summary
static DataType DATA_TYPE
          Object data type constant
Fields inherited from class
Fields inherited from class
Fields inherited from interface
Constructor Summary
          Default constructor; ensures that the appropriate attributes in Content are over-ridden, including ContentHandler and IsFolder.
Method Summary
 boolean acceptsType(java.lang.String handler)
          A ContentFolder can accept any type of content except ContentFileRef objects ( "resource/x-bb-file" ).
 void addContent(Content content)
          Adds the given piece of Content (must not be of type ContentFile) to the list of children for this Folder.
 void addContent(Content content, int nPos)
          Adds the given piece of Content (must notbe of type ContentFile) to the list of children for this Folder at the provided position value.
 BbList getChildren()
          Returns the list of children that presently belong to (was assigned to) this CourseDocumentFolder.
 DataType getDataType()
          Returns the DataType identifier for this object.
 boolean getIsFolder()
          Overrides the method of the same name in Content.
 BbList getRemoved()
          Returns the ids that have been removed from this Folder.
 Sequence getSequence()
          Required method for Aggregate objects.
 void remove(Content content)
          Removes the specified Content object from the list of children.
Methods inherited from class
addContentFile, getAllowGuests, getAllowObservers, getBody, getContentFiles, getContentHandler, getContentStatus, getCourseId, getEndDate, getIsAvailable, getIsDescribed, getIsFromCartridge, getIsLesson, getIsReviewable, getIsSequential, getIsTracked, getLaunchInNewWindow, getOfflineName, getOfflinePath, getParentId, getPersistentTitle, getPosition, getRemovedFiles, getRenderType, getStartDate, getTitle, getTitleColor, getUrl, printTree, removeContentFile, removeContentFile, setAllowGuests, setAllowObservers, setBody, setContentHandler, setCourseId, setEndDate, setIsAvailable, setIsDescribed, setIsFolder, setIsFromCartridge, setIsLesson, setIsReviewable, setIsSequential, setIsTracked, setLaunchInNewWindow, setOfflineName, setOfflinePath, setParentId, setPosition, setRenderType, setStartDate, setTitle, setTitleColor, setUrl, traverseContent, validate
Methods inherited from class
clone, getBbAttributes, getCreatedDate, getId, getModifiedDate, persist, setCreatedDate, setId, setModifiedDate, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final DataType DATA_TYPE
Object data type constant

Constructor Detail


public ContentFolder()
Default constructor; ensures that the appropriate attributes in Content are over-ridden, including ContentHandler and IsFolder.

Method Detail


public boolean acceptsType(java.lang.String handler)
A ContentFolder can accept any type of content except ContentFileRef objects ( "resource/x-bb-file" ).

Specified by:
acceptsType in interface Aggregate
handler - content handler handle to test.
true unless handler equals "resource/x-bb-file"


public boolean getIsFolder()
Overrides the method of the same name in Content.

getIsFolder in class Content
true (this object IS a folder)
See Also:


public void addContent(Content content)
                throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Adds the given piece of Content (must not be of type ContentFile) to the list of children for this Folder. The piece of content is added at the end of the list of content items.

This method enforces all constraints in the relationship of a folder and a child content item. First, the parent/child relationship between a folder and a piece of content is enforced by calling Content.setParentId(Id), passing in the local content Id value, on the provided Content object prior to adding it to the list of content items. Content items should also be part of the same course as their parent folder so Content.setCourseId(Id) is called passing in the local course Id value.

Specified by:
addContent in interface Folder
content - the piece of Content to be added to the list of content being maintained by this folder.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - thrown if the provided content is of type ContentFile.


public void addContent(Content content,
                       int nPos)
                throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Adds the given piece of Content (must notbe of type ContentFile) to the list of children for this Folder at the provided position value.

This method enforces all constraints in the relationship of a folder and a child content item. First, the parent/child relationship between a folder and a piece of content is enforced by calling Content.setParentId(Id), passing in the local content Id value, on the provided Content object prior to adding it to the list of content items. Content items should also be part of the same course as their parent folder so Content.setCourseId(Id) is called passing in the local course Id value.

Specified by:
addContent in interface Folder
content - the piece of Content to be added to the list of content being maintained by this folder.
nPos - the position in the child list at which the given content should be added.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - thrown if the provided content is of type ContentFile.


public void remove(Content content)
Removes the specified Content object from the list of children. The child is not immediately deleted from the database. Callers of this method must follow through by calling getRemoved() and calling blackbaord.persist.content.ContentDbPersister#delete(Id) for each entry in the the list of removed items.

Specified by:
remove in interface Aggregate
content - Content object to remove.


public BbList getRemoved()
Returns the ids that have been removed from this Folder. This is useful when attempting to reconcile the children in a heavy persistence operation. For example, if an object is removed from the folder, the folder will not require persisting, but the child removed must be deleted. This BbList tracks the ids of objects that have been removed.

a BbList of Id objects. Each Id in the list represents the id of Content item that was removed from this content folder.


public Sequence getSequence()
Required method for Aggregate objects. ContentFolder objects do not present a sequenced view of their content, so this method will return null.

Specified by:
getSequence in interface Aggregate


public BbList getChildren()
Returns the list of children that presently belong to (was assigned to) this CourseDocumentFolder.

Specified by:
getChildren in interface Folder
a BbList of the children Content objects of this ContentFolder. The list will be empty if there are no children.


public DataType getDataType()
Returns the DataType identifier for this object. Can be used to uniquely identify the "type" of this data object.

Specified by:
getDataType in interface IBbObject
getDataType in class Content
the DataType for this object

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