Interface Folder

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
ContentFolder, Lesson

public interface Folder

The Folder is the root of the content folder class hierarchy. All content folder objects have Folderas a superclass. This object contains the attributes shared by all typed folder objects.

Bb 5.5
$Revision: #1 $ $Date: 2005/06/27 $

Method Summary
 void addContent(Content content)
          Adds the given piece of Content to this Folder at the end of the list of content items.
 void addContent(Content content, int nPos)
          Adds the given piece of Content to this Folder at the specified position within the list of content items.
 BbList getChildren()
          Returns the list of children that presently belong to (was assigned to) this Folder.

Method Detail


void addContent(Content content)
Adds the given piece of Content to this Folder at the end of the list of content items.

Implementations should make any necessary changes to enforce the parent/ child relationship between a folder and a content item.

content - the piece of Content to be added to the list of content being maintained by this folder.


void addContent(Content content,
                int nPos)
Adds the given piece of Content to this Folder at the specified position within the list of content items. See Content.setPosition(int) for more information on position values.

Implementations should make any necessary changes to enforce the parent/ child relationship between a folder and a content item.

content - the piece of Content to be added to the list of content being maintained by this folder.
nPos - the position in the list at which the given piece of content should be addedd.


BbList getChildren()
Returns the list of children that presently belong to (was assigned to) this Folder.

a BbList of the children that belong to this folder.

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