Uses of Class

Packages that use Content Provides the classes used to store course content in Blackboard. 

Uses of Content in

Subclasses of Content in
 class ContentFileRef
          ContentFileRef represents a file reference that can be displayed within a Lesson.
 class ContentFolder
          The ContentFolder class is a representation of a folder within the Bb Course Management System.
 class CourseDocument
          The CourseDocument class is a representation of a course document within the Bb Course Management System.
 class CourseLink
          The CourseLink class is a representation of an intra-course link within the Bb Course Management System.
 class ExternalLink
          The ExternalLink class is a representation of an external link within the Bb Course Management System.
 class Lesson
          The Lesson class represents a list of content that is meant to be viewed in a linear, guided order.

Methods in that return Content
 Content ContentWrapper.loadAvailableContent(Id contentId, Id userId)
 Content ContentWrapper.loadAvailableContent(Id contentId, Id userId, java.sql.Connection con)

Methods in with parameters of type Content
 void Folder.addContent(Content content)
          Adds the given piece of Content to this Folder at the end of the list of content items.
 void ContentFolder.addContent(Content content)
          Adds the given piece of Content (must not be of type ContentFile) to the list of children for this Folder.
 void Folder.addContent(Content content, int nPos)
          Adds the given piece of Content to this Folder at the specified position within the list of content items.
 void ContentFolder.addContent(Content content, int nPos)
          Adds the given piece of Content (must notbe of type ContentFile) to the list of children for this Folder at the provided position value.
 void ContentWrapper.addContentFile(Content content, file, java.lang.String fileName, java.lang.String linkName, ContentFile.Action contentFileAction, java.sql.Connection con)
 boolean ContentHandlerWrapper.canCopy(Content cnt)
static boolean ContentManager.checkAvailability(Content cnt)
 java.lang.String ContentHandlerWrapper.getContentViewUrl(Content content)
          Returns the URL for viewing the content in its location within the Course Content UI.
 java.lang.String ContentHandlerWrapper.getContentViewUrl(Content content, User user)
 java.lang.String ContentHandlerWrapper.getCpViewUrl(Content cnt)
 java.lang.String ContentHandlerWrapper.getCreateUrl(ContentHandler ch, Content parent)
 java.lang.String ContentHandlerWrapper.getIconListUrl(Content cnt)
 java.lang.String ContentHandlerWrapper.getModifyUrl(Content cnt)
 java.lang.String ContentHandlerWrapper.getRemoveUrl(Content cnt)
 java.lang.String ContentHandlerWrapper.getViewUrl(Content cnt)
 void ContentVisitor.leaveContent(Content c)
          For folders, this method is called after all of the folder's children have been visited, recursively.
 java.util.List ContentWrapper.loadContentFiles(Content _content, java.sql.Connection con)
 void ContentFolder.remove(Content content)
          Removes the specified Content object from the list of children.
 void Aggregate.remove(Content content)
          Removes the specified Content object from this Aggregate.
static void Content.traverseContent(ContentVisitor visitor, Content item)
          Recursively traverses folders and content according to the visitor pattern.
 void ContentVisitor.visitContent(Content c)
          For folders, this method is called before any of the folder's children are visited.

Uses of Content in blackboard.persist.content

Methods in blackboard.persist.content that return Content
 Content ContentDbLoader.loadById(Id id)
          Load the Content with the given Id from the database in a lightweight fashion using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 Content ContentDbLoader.loadById(Id id, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load the Content with the given Id from the database in a lightweight fashion using the supplied connection.
 Content ContentDbLoader.loadById(Id id, java.sql.Connection con, boolean bDeep, boolean bHeavy)
          Loads the Content with the given Id from the database in the specified fashion (lightweight or heavyweight) using the supplied connection.
 Content ContentDbLoader.loadByTocId(Id tocId)
          Load the Content item that is the "Top" folder for the specified CourseToc (identified by Id) in a lightweight fashion using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 Content ContentDbLoader.loadByTocId(Id tocId, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load the Content item that is the "Top" folder for the specified CourseToc (identified by Id) in a lightweight fashion using the supplied connection.
 Content ContentDbLoader.loadByTocId(Id tocId, java.sql.Connection con, boolean bDeep)
          Load the Content item that is the "Top" folder for the specified CourseToc (identified by Id) in a lightweight fashion using the supplied connection.

Methods in blackboard.persist.content with parameters of type Content
 void ContentDbPersister.persist(Content target)
          Inserts or updates the supplied Content using a connection from the associated persistence manager's database container.
 void ContentDbPersister.persist(Content target, java.sql.Connection con)
          Inserts or updates the supplied Content using the supplied connection.

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