Uses of Class

Packages that use BbObject Provides classes used to store "announcements" in the Blackboard system. Provides classes used to store entries in the course, system, and personal calendars in the Blackboard system. Provides the classes used to store course content in Blackboard. Provides the classes used to interact with course definitions in Blackboard. Provides the public implementation classes for Gradebook subsystem. Provides the classes used to interact with user definitions in Blackboard. 

Uses of BbObject in

Subclasses of BbObject in
 class Announcement
          The Announcement class is a representation of an announcement within the Blackboard application.

Uses of BbObject in

Subclasses of BbObject in
 class CalendarEntry
          The CalendarEntry class provides a means for defining an event (system, course, or personal) within the Blackboard application.

Uses of BbObject in

Subclasses of BbObject in
 class AggregateReviewStatus
          The AggregateReviewStatus object wraps the state of a user's interaction with a given piece of content and adaptive release status.
 class ChildFile
          The ChildFile class wraps an uploaded file that is the child of a ContentFile.
 class Content
          The Content class is the root of the content class hierarchy.
 class ContentFile
          The ContentFile class wraps a reference to a file that has been uploaded to a content area in a course.
 class ContentFileRef
          ContentFileRef represents a file reference that can be displayed within a Lesson.
 class ContentFolder
          The ContentFolder class is a representation of a folder within the Bb Course Management System.
 class ContentStatus
          The ContentStatus object wraps the state of a user's interaction with a given piece of content and adaptive release status.
 class CourseDocument
          The CourseDocument class is a representation of a course document within the Bb Course Management System.
 class CourseLink
          The CourseLink class is a representation of an intra-course link within the Bb Course Management System.
 class CourseUpload
          The CourseUpload class wraps a reference to a file that has been uploaded to the digital drop box in a course.
 class ExternalLink
          The ExternalLink class is a representation of an external link within the Bb Course Management System.
 class GroupUpload
          The GroupUpload class wraps a reference to a file that has been uploaded to a group file exchange in a course.
 class Lesson
          The Lesson class represents a list of content that is meant to be viewed in a linear, guided order.
 class Link
          The Link class is a representation of a link within the Blackboard application.
 class StaffInfo
          The StaffInfo class is a representation of a staff information element within the Blackboard application.
 class StaffInfoFolder
          The StaffInfoFolder class is a representation of a staff information folder within the Blackboard application.
 class Upload
 class UploadedFile

Uses of BbObject in

Subclasses of BbObject in
 class Cartridge
          The Cartridge class provides a representation of a cartridge record (as related to a course) within the Blackboard application.
 class Course
          The Course class provides a representation of a course (course or organization) within the Blackboard application.
 class CourseMembership
          The CourseMembership class is a representation of a course membership record within the Blackboard application.
 class Group
          The Group class is a representation of a course group within the Course Management System.
 class GroupMembership
          The GroupMembership class is a representation of a group membership record within the Blackboard application.
 class Organization
          The Organization class provides a representation of an organization (or community) within the Blackboard system.

Uses of BbObject in

Subclasses of BbObject in
 class Lineitem
          The Lineitem class represents a single gradable item in a course.
 class Score
          The Score class represents a grade in a course for a specific user and Lineitem.

Uses of BbObject in

Subclasses of BbObject in
 class CourseToc
          The CourseToc class provides a representation of the left hand navigation items displayed when inside a course in the Bb CMS.

Uses of BbObject in

Subclasses of BbObject in
 class PortalRole
          The PortalRole class is a representation of an institution role within the Blackboard application.

Uses of BbObject in

Subclasses of BbObject in
 class User
          0 The User class is a representation of a user within the Bb Course Management System.
 class UserInfo
          The UserInfo class provides basic user oriented information for extending objects.
 class UserRole
          The UserRole class provides user secondary institution role information for extending objects.

Uses of BbObject in blackboard.persist

Methods in blackboard.persist that return BbObject
 BbObject PkId.load()
          Overrides load method in the base class to implement a "load by id" operation for a database id (and thus for a database container).
 BbObject Id.load()
          Loads the BbObject derived value that matches the current id value.

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