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Final Project

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Practical Applications

3D modeling, visualization, and prototyping can definitely be utilized as an additonal method of instruction.

The subject can easily and instantly be viewed from multiple angles. This saves much time and set-up, especially when compared to physical methods of filming and visualization.

3D visualization offers new ways of demonstrating principles that were formally unavailble with just film and photo.

Future Implications

My process definitely has a lot of room for improvement. Entire animation sequences can be created to replicate the individual peculiarities of the lifter. Similarly, other elements can be simulated, such as physics and gravity. This can make for a highly accurate simulation, and can become a very useful tool in refining technique.

Furthermore, the process can be applied to other realms of athletics. 3D modeling and visualization can help a batter master his swing or a high jumper refine her jump.

Additionally, I believe that 3D visualization offers many useful prospects outside of athletics. Research is already being conducted to see how such technology can help improve current physical therapy and orthopedic practices. For example, these processes can be applied to create a more productive knee brace or to analyze gait analysis in an individual with cerebral palsy. Regardless of the use, the possible applications of 3D modeling, visualization, and prototyping seem very promising.

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Danny Schlag, E-mail: dschlag@asu.edu, http://vizproto.prism.asu.edu