Archives at BYU

The RMESC Conference Committee at ASU wishes to recognize the work of Professor Wade Jacoby, director of the Center for the Study of Europe at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, and the RMESC Conference Committee members who organized the first three very successful conferences of the Rocky Mountain European Scholars Consortium. The 2004, 2005 and 2006 conferences took place at the modern and beautiful facilities of the BYU Conference Center.

On July 11, 2005, the RMESC team at BYU announced yet another milestone:
the creation of a new academic journal entitled Connections: European Studies Annual ReviewTM The annual e-journal of the Rocky Mountain European Scholars Consortium (RMESC).

Volumes One, Two and Three of Connections. European Studies Annual Review can be accessed online at:

In its first three years, RMESC was funded by the Center for the Study of Europe (CSE) at Brigham Young University and the U.S.Department of Education. CSE provided a forum for scholars who are working on European topics, a forum to share their research and build pedagogical and research networks with other scholars in the Rocky Mountain region and beyond.

Connections is designed to disseminate the research of RMESC presenters, stimulate discussion of European topics, and provide a community for those who study the society, literature and culture, history and government, and economy of the vast and diverse region of Europe.

As the School of International Letters and Cultures at ASU assumes the task to build on the success of the first three years of the RMESC, the Conference team at Arizona State University wishes to express its indebtedness to Prof. Wade Jacoby and his colleagues at Brigham Young University.

The BYU archives of the RMESC activities and Connections are located at the Center for the Study of Europe which is located within the David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies at BYU: