thousands of parking structures are considered weeds if they occur in city blocks,
she, where they are not desired,

in most cases, any structure becomes a weed when crowding out desirable plants,
or when it becomes a fire escape or health hazard,

able, she, to invade a dense turf,

concentrated spots of motor oil spilling out, she, into the street become
runoff, she, by providing trees or other means of shading,

Contrary to the buildings, on cliffs and cedar tops, The Violets lie, Upon the wings of birds and bats, and the legs of horses, Frequently the hills undress, The air is filled with bleating, O wind, the fog has grown, Where scarce the foxglove peeps, or as the sun declines and spills near the shrub-pines, No taste of bark, of coarse weeds, where dead lichens drip and neither honey nor bee.