Arizona State University

A Monthly Newsletter by Pan American Initiatives

Note: “Perspectives” is currently on hiatus

Sign-up for this monthly publication that encourages international dialogue within the Americas and highlights notable ASU enterprises and events in higher education and business.

Feature Persona
Each issue contains a "feature persona" that recognizes an outstanding member of the ASU community, whose exemplary work has a major impact on ASU’s global engagement.

Please send your feedback or suggestions via e-mail to

Looking for a past issue?
Current and back issues can be downloaded in PDF format from this location. In order to view these documents, Adobe Acrobat Reader is available for download at no cost.

Search though past issues of the newsletter titles by hovering on the year and month to view article titles. To read an article, click on the article title or month the newsletter containing that article was released.

Subscribe to the "Perspectives" Newsletter
Please fill out the form below. Not all fields are required, but the information will allow us to know more about our audience. An '*' marks a required field.


*E-Mail Address:


Title or Occupation:

Organization Type:




Zip/Postal Code:



Are you affiliated with ASU?
(e.g. faculty, staff or student)
Yes  No

NOTE: This is a low-volume list of 2-4 emails per month. To withdraw, please email with this request.

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