The Action Plan

If pregnancy occurs, teenagers and their families deserve honest and sensitive counseling about options available to them, from abortion to adoption. Special support systems, including consultation with a child and adolescent psychiatrist when needed, should be available to help the teenager throughout the pregnancy, the birth, and the decision about whether to keep the infant or give it up for adoption. Lifestyle during pregnancy has long-lasting effects on your health and your baby's health. Now it's important that you do all you can to ensure your health and the health of your baby.

There are many things you need to be aware of to achieve good health for you and your baby:

— Get regular prenatal care from your doctor or clinic

— Eat properly

— Stop smoking and stop drinking alcohol

— Don't take any drugs unless they are given to you by your doctor Practicing these guidelines will increase your chances of having a healthy baby.

There are many risks involved with teenage pregnancy:

— Poor eating habits, smoking, drinking alcohol, and taking nonprescription drugs increase the risk of having a baby with problems.

Babies born to teenagers often are born too small and too soon. As a result they may have:

- immature organ systems

- mental retardation

-a risk of dying early in infancy

It is proven that some of the problems associated with teenage pregnancy can be corrected by getting help early in pregnancy from doctors, nutrition experts, family, and friends.

-Remaining healthy during your pregnancy is important for both you and your baby.

-Good nutrition is the key.

Here are some other links where you can find more info on action plans:

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