Between vowels

In this section, we'll work on producing [z] between vowels. This is the easiest place to start, since vowels are voiced. To produce the [z], maintain the vibration of the vocal cords while you're doing the consonant. Actually, this sounds easier than it is, since it involves overcoming long-engrained habits. One way to check is to delicately place your hand over your throat and make sure you feel vibrations as you produce the consonant.

Don't be mislead by the use of the letter s in some of these words: remember that a single s between two vowels indicates the pronunciation [z].



Introduction | Syllable Length | C'est passionnant! | Huffing & Puffing |
How Many Syllables? | Dipthongs | Say aaaaaah! | Know How to Whistle? | Grrrrrrr! |
Front Rounded Vowels | e-caduc | Nasal Vowels
Arizona State University Dept. of Languages and Literatures