Arizona State University
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

No Mosquito Contacts No Malaria

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Sources Used

Desai M. (February 2007). “Epidemiology and burden of malaria in pregnancy.” Lancet Infectious Diseases. Vol. 7, Issue. 2, Pages 93-104

Hymel, P. &Yang, W. (August 2008). “Review of malaria risk and prevention for use in corporate travel” Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. Vol. 50, Pages 951-959

Nosten, F. (February 2007). “Case management of malaria in pregnancy.” Lancet Infectious Diseases. Vol. 7, Issue. 2, Pages 118-125

Tan, LK. (July 2008). “Acute lung injury and other serious complications of Plasmodium vivax malaria” Lancet Infectious Diseases. Vol. 8, Issue. 7, Pages 449-454

Cavagnaro, CS. (December 2008). “Fever after international travel.” Clinical Pediatric Emergency Medicine. Vol. 9, Issue. 4, Pages 250-257

Accessibility | Privacy | ASU Disclaimer This site was created by Ijeoma Ononenyi in fulfillment of requirements for the course TCL 323 : Latino Health Issues taught by Dr. Szkupinski Quiroga at Arizona State University, Fall 2009.