Uses of Class

Packages that use BbPersistenceManager

Uses of BbPersistenceManager in blackboard.persist

Methods in blackboard.persist that return BbPersistenceManager
static BbPersistenceManager BbPersistenceManager.getInstance(Container targetContainer)
          Returns an instance of BbPersistenceManager associated with the given target container.
static BbPersistenceManager BbPersistenceManager.getInstance(Container targetContainer, PersistenceContext context)
          Returns an instance of BbPersistenceManager associated with the given target container and persistence content.

Methods in blackboard.persist with parameters of type BbPersistenceManager
 void Persister.init(BbPersistenceManager pm, AppVersion appVersion)
          Initializes the persister with the given persistence manager reference and the provided application version.
 void Loader.init(BbPersistenceManager pm, AppVersion appVersion)
          Initializes the loader with the given persistence manager reference and the provided application version.

Uses of BbPersistenceManager in blackboard.platform.persistence

Methods in blackboard.platform.persistence that return BbPersistenceManager
 BbPersistenceManager PersistenceService.getDbPersistenceManager()
          Returns the BbPersistenceManager instance for the Blackboard system specifically associated with the default database container.
 BbPersistenceManager PersistenceService.getXmlPersistenceManager()
          Returns the BbPersistenceManager instance for the Blackboard system specifically associated with the default XML container.

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