Uses of Class

Packages that use User Provides the classes used to store course content in Blackboard. Provides the classes used to interact with course definitions in Blackboard. Provides the public implementation classes for Gradebook subsystem. Provides the classes used to interact with user definitions in Blackboard. 
blackboard.persist.user Provides the public implementation classes for creating custom authentication modules for Learning System. 

Uses of User in

Methods in that return User
 User ContentStatus.getUser()
          Returns the user associated with this status.

Methods in with parameters of type User
 java.lang.String ContentHandlerWrapper.getContentViewUrl(Content content, User user)

Uses of User in

Methods in that return User
 User CourseMembership.getUser()
          Returns the User attribute associated with this CourseMembership.

Methods in with parameters of type User
 void CourseMembership.setUser(User user)
          Sets the User associated with this CourseMembership.

Uses of User in

Methods in that return User
 User GradeRecord.getUser()

Methods in with parameters of type User
 void GradeRecord.setUser(User user)
          Deprecated. This method should not be used as the user information is set at load.

Uses of User in

Methods in that return User
 User UserRole.getUser()
          Returns the User object of this UserRole object

Methods in with parameters of type User
 void UserRole.setUser(User user)
          Sets the User object of this UserRole object

Uses of User in blackboard.persist.user

Methods in blackboard.persist.user that return User
 User UserDbLoader.loadByBatchUid(java.lang.String batchUid)
          Load the User with the given batch uid value from the database in a light- weight fashion using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 User UserDbLoader.loadByBatchUid(java.lang.String batchUid, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load the User with the given batch uid value from the database in a light- weight fashion using the supplied connection.
 User UserDbLoader.loadByBatchUid(java.lang.String batchUid, java.sql.Connection con, boolean bHeavy)
          Load the User with the given batch uid from the database in the specified fashion (lightweight or heavyweight) using the supplied connection.
 User UserDbLoader.loadById(Id id)
          Load the User with the given Id from the database in a lightweight fashion using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 User UserDbLoader.loadById(Id id, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load the User with the given Id from the database in a lightweight fashion using the supplied connection.
 User UserDbLoader.loadById(Id id, java.sql.Connection con, boolean bHeavy)
          Load the User with the given Id from the database in the specified fashion (lightweight or heavyweight) using the supplied connection.
 User UserDbLoader.loadByUserName(java.lang.String userName)
          Load the User with the given username from the database in a lightweight fashion using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 User UserDbLoader.loadByUserName(java.lang.String userName, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load the User with the given username from the database in a lightweight fashion using the supplied connection.
 User UserDbLoader.loadByUserName(java.lang.String userName, java.sql.Connection con, boolean bHeavy)
          Load the User with the given username from the database in the specified fashion (lightweight or heavyweight) using the supplied connection.
 User UserDbLoader.loadGuestUser()
          Load the "guest" user using a connection obtained through this object's database context.

Methods in blackboard.persist.user with parameters of type User
 void UserDbPersister.persist(User user)
          Inserts or updates the supplied User using a connection from the associated persistence manager's database container.
 void UserDbPersister.persist(User user, java.sql.Connection con)
          Inserts or updates the supplied User using the supplied connection.

Uses of User in

Methods in with parameters of type User
static boolean SecurityUtil.userHasAllEntitlements(User user, Course course, Entitlements entitlements)
          Method to check that a user has all entitlements for an explicit course context.
static boolean SecurityUtil.userHasAnyEntitlements(User user, CourseMembership courseMembership, Entitlements entitlements)
          userHasAnyEntitlements Logical OR Use for coarse-grained authorization; for example to check whether user may enter admin page --User may have be entitled access to some but not all widgets on the page --User id param; implicit Context object _not_ assumed
static boolean SecurityUtil.userHasEntitlement(User user, Course course, Entitlement entitlement)
          Explicit check for a single entitlement.
static boolean SecurityUtil.userHasEntitlement(User user, CourseMembership courseMembership, Entitlement entitlement)
          Explicit check for a single entitlement.

Uses of User in

Methods in that return User
 User LDAPAuthModule.getUserFromUsernamePassword(java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password)
          Returns the User object for a given username and password.

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