
Provides the public implementation classes for creating custom authentication modules for Learning System.


Interface Summary
HttpAuthModule This interface is provided for custom authentication schemes.

Class Summary
BaseAuthenticationModule Implementation class for the default authentication provider for Blackboard Learning System, also known as RDBMS Authentication.
HttpAuthConfig This class is responsible for storing in-memory the authentication properties for the Blackboard application.
LDAPAuthModule Implementation class for the LDAP authentication provider for Blackboard Learning system.
RDBMSAuthUtil Utility class used by classes in the authentication package.
SessionStub This is a helper class intended to do a subset of the work done by

Exception Summary
BbAuthenticationFailedException Exception used to indicate that an attempt to authenticate failed.
BbCredentialsNotFoundException This exception is thrown to indicate that an authentication request does not contain credentials to perform an authentication
BbSecurityException Exception class to semantically differentiate exceptions that happen during the execution of authentication methods.

Package Description

Provides the public implementation classes for creating custom authentication modules for Learning System. Consult the "Blackboard Learning System Advanced Integration and Data Management Manual" for more information on how to create custom modules.

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