Uses of Class

Packages that use Link.ReferredToType Provides the classes used to store course content in Blackboard. 

Uses of Link.ReferredToType in

Fields in declared as Link.ReferredToType
static Link.ReferredToType Link.ReferredToType.COLLAB_SESSION
static Link.ReferredToType Link.ReferredToType.CONTENT
static Link.ReferredToType Link.ReferredToType.COURSE_ASSESSMENT
static Link.ReferredToType Link.ReferredToType.COURSE_TOC
static Link.ReferredToType Link.ReferredToType.DEFAULT
static Link.ReferredToType Link.ReferredToType.FORUM
static Link.ReferredToType Link.ReferredToType.GROUP
static Link.ReferredToType Link.ReferredToType.STAFF_INFO
static Link.ReferredToType Link.ReferredToType.TOOL

Methods in that return Link.ReferredToType
static Link.ReferredToType Link.ReferredToType.fromExternalString(java.lang.String externalString)
          Returns the Link.ReferredToType element specified by the externalString .
 Link.ReferredToType Link.getReferredToType()
          Returns the referred to type for this Link.
static Link.ReferredToType[] Link.ReferredToType.getValues()
          Returns an array of all of the elements in this enumeration.

Methods in with parameters of type Link.ReferredToType
 void Link.setReferredToType(Link.ReferredToType eReferredToType)
          Sets the referrer type for this Link.

Uses of Link.ReferredToType in blackboard.persist.content

Methods in blackboard.persist.content with parameters of type Link.ReferredToType
 BbList LinkDbLoader.loadByReferredToIdAndType(Id id, Link.ReferredToType eReferredToType)
          Load the Link with the given referred to id and type from the database using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 BbList LinkDbLoader.loadByReferredToIdAndType(Id id, Link.ReferredToType eReferredToType, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load the Links with the given referred to id and type from the database using the supplied connection.

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