Uses of Class

Packages that use ContentFile Provides the classes used to store course content in Blackboard. 

Uses of ContentFile in

Methods in with parameters of type ContentFile
 void Content.addContentFile(ContentFile cf)
          Adds a the specified ContentFile as an attachment to this object.
 void Content.removeContentFile(ContentFile cf)
          Removes the specified ContentFile object from this content object.

Uses of ContentFile in blackboard.persist.content

Methods in blackboard.persist.content that return ContentFile
 ContentFile ContentFileDbLoader.loadById(Id id)
          Load the ContentFile with the given Id from the database in a lightweight fashion using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 ContentFile ContentFileDbLoader.loadById(Id id, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load the ContentFile with the given Id from the database in a lightweight fashion using the supplied connection.
 ContentFile ContentFileDbLoader.loadById(Id id, java.sql.Connection con, boolean bHeavy)
          Load the ContentFile with the given Id from the database in the specified fashion (lightweight or heavyweight) using the supplied connection.

Methods in blackboard.persist.content with parameters of type ContentFile
 void ContentFileDbPersister.persist(ContentFile target)
          Inserts or updates the supplied Content using a connection from the associated persistence manager's database container.
 void ContentFileDbPersister.persist(ContentFile target, java.sql.Connection con)
          Inserts or updates the supplied Content using the supplied connection.

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