
Forum is an ongoing discussion site focussed on one particular question per issue proposed by revolving guest editor/s who will conceive of the question and invite specific respondees as well as selecting from reader responses. Other readers are invited to reply with their written views of the announced FORUM question; those views will be considered for publication in this section and may be e-mailed to the FORUM editor. FORUM remarks will, in most cases, be excerpted if included and will be chosen with an eye for introducing new points-of-view that have not yet been expressed.

FORUM for Issue 9: Please refer to masthead for further details.

Rachel Blau DuPlesiss's Drafts I-38, Toll: A Roundtable

Chris Tysh “Gloss on ‘Fosse, Draft XXX’”

Harriet Tarlo “‘Origami Foldits’: Rachel Blau DuPlessis’s Drafts 1-38, Toll

Libbie Rifkin “Little Words and Redemptive Criticism: Some Points On Drafts

table of contents