Word Or Syllable Final

Syllable-final and word-final position

In these words, the [r] is in the coda, that is, the part of the syllable that follows the vowel. There may be another sound in the coda after the [r], so it may not be in final position, strictly speaking. Really exaggerate the sound in this position, because it's very easy to lose it.  The words have been broken up into syllables to make it easier.  Again, the syllabification doesn't follow spelling rules, but pronunciation rules.

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Introduction | Syllable Length | C'est passionnant! | Huffing & Puffing |
How Many Syllables? | Dipthongs | Say aaaaaah! | Know How to Whistle? | Grrrrrrr! |
Front Rounded Vowels | e-caduc | Nasal Vowels
Arizona State University Dept. of Languages and Literatures