Mayer, Johann


Pomona franconica: Description des Arbres Fruitiers, le Plus Connus et les Plus Estimes en Europe, qui se Cultivent Maintenant au Jardin de la Cour de Wurzbourg. . .on y a Joint les Details les Plus Interessants sur Leur Culture, Greffe, Plantation &c. = Pomona franconica: oder naturliche Abbildung und Beschreibung der Besten und Vorzuglichsten Europaischen Gattungen der Obstbaume und Fruchte Welche in dem Hochfurstlichen Hofgarten zu Wurzburg Gezogen Werden: Nebst den Haupsachlichsten Anmerkungen uber deren Erziehung, Pfropfung und Pflege.

3 v. Nuremberg: chez Adam Wolfgang Winterschmidt, 1776-1801. References: Pritzel, 6017. French and German in parallel columns. Hand-colored plates. ASU has vol 2 only of this set, which includes 66 beautiful hand-colored plates of cherries and peaches that are found growing around Wurzburg.

The work begins with an essay on cherries which refers to such sources as Galien and Dioscorides.  This is followed by a description of specific species and varieties, at the end of which are found 21 full colored plates.  The author then has a small section dealing with medlars and their various varieties, and he includes eight plates.  Peaches are discussed next, followed by a lengthy section on pruning, thinning out, and picking fruit, as well as diseases, injuries, and pests.  Descriptions are then given for various species, followed by 26 coloured plates and 11 black and white illustrations.

Subjects: Fruit trees; Fruit culture--Germany.


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