InfoGlut: Deal With It
Spring 2004

Information Organization and Retrieval

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Email Barbara

Date Due: February 13
# of points: 7

For this assignment, you will select an information retrieval system and evaluate how information is organized and retrieved.

Analyze how effective or ineffective the system is, focussing on how information is organized and, as a result, how well (or not well) it can be retrieved. Use the Rosenfeld chapter as a guide. What type of organization scheme is used? Is it effective?

If the system you evaluate has a search function, what can you tell about the way the information is organized by the search features that are included? For example, can you search by keyword only or are there other ways to search for and retrieve information? Is there a controlled vocabulary used? If so, how does it help (or not) in searching?

Examples of an information retrieval system may include (these are just examples, you may select one of your choice):

Library catalog (ex: Cal Poly)
Periodical index or database (ex: Elsevier Science Direct--you'll need a library PIN to sign in)
Digital Library collection (Perseus--click on Tools)
Museum (Getty or try a bricks and mortar museum like The Heard)
Bookstore (ex: Bookpool or try a bricks and mortar bookstore like Barnes & Noble)

Other e-commerce/shopping website (ex: LL Bean)
Internet search engine
Other of your choice

Submit your evaluation as a 2-3 page essay using the Digital Drop Box in Blackboard by Friday, February 13th.

Email Barbara | TWC 494/598
Last Updated: 5 February 2004