Arizona State University
Facult-Staff Basketball Association

Pictures: Our crack photographer's contributions.  

Secret pictures of  FSBA members disguised as musicians at Into the Bean Badd Rapp

Mr. Wonderful
Mr. Wonderful

Matt meets Prentice
"Mr. Williams, please vacate the painted area immediately
or risk being humilated by an All-Star scoop shot."

John's back
John, want some popcorn while you watch the game?

Three-legged race
Steve and Tom practice for the three-legged race.

Ann sharing soothing words of encouragement
Action shot.
(We use the term "action" loosely.)

Prentice Williams
Prentice Williams. The #1 reason to wear a mouth piece.

"Sure I'll kiss it and make it feel better,
tell me again where it hurts."

Unstoppable force meets immovable object


Showing off our breakneck pace
("Hey, what's that orange thing up there?")

[Space just waiting for
your contribution right here]
