Uses of Class

Packages that use CourseMembership.Role Provides the classes used to interact with course definitions in Blackboard. 

Uses of CourseMembership.Role in

Fields in declared as CourseMembership.Role
static CourseMembership.Role CourseMembership.Role.COURSE_BUILDER
static CourseMembership.Role CourseMembership.Role.DEFAULT
static CourseMembership.Role CourseMembership.Role.GRADER
static CourseMembership.Role CourseMembership.Role.GUEST
static CourseMembership.Role CourseMembership.Role.INSTRUCTOR
static CourseMembership.Role CourseMembership.Role.NONE
static CourseMembership.Role CourseMembership.Role.STUDENT
static CourseMembership.Role CourseMembership.Role.TEACHING_ASSISTANT

Methods in that return CourseMembership.Role
static CourseMembership.Role CourseMembership.Role.fromExternalString(java.lang.String externalString)
          Returns the CourseMembership.Role element specified by the externalString.
static CourseMembership.Role CourseMembership.Role.fromFieldName(java.lang.String fieldName)
          Returns the FormattedText.Type element specified by the fieldName.
 CourseMembership.Role CourseMembership.getRole()
          Returns the role for this CourseMembership.
static CourseMembership.Role[] CourseMembership.Role.getValues()
          Returns an array of all of the elements in this enumeration.

Methods in with parameters of type CourseMembership.Role
static ListFilter Course.createMembershipRoleFilter(BbList membershipList, CourseMembership.Role targetRole)
          Factory method to create an instance of the ListFilter interface capable of filtering a list of Course objects based upon the role of a user within those courses.
static ListFilter Course.createMembershipRoleFilter(BbList membershipList, CourseMembership.Role targetRole, boolean bIsAvailable)
          Factory method to create an instance of the ListFilter interface capable of filtering a list of Course objects based upon the role of a user within those courses.
 void CourseMembership.setRole(CourseMembership.Role eRole)
          Sets the role for this CourseMembership.

Constructors in with parameters of type CourseMembership.Role
CourseMembershipRoleFilter(CourseMembership.Role roleTarget)

Uses of CourseMembership.Role in blackboard.persist.course

Methods in blackboard.persist.course with parameters of type CourseMembership.Role
 BbList CourseMembershipDbLoader.loadByCourseIdAndRole(Id courseId, CourseMembership.Role role)
          Load the list of CourseMembership objects which have the given role within the specified course (identified by id) using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 BbList CourseMembershipDbLoader.loadByCourseIdAndRole(Id courseId, CourseMembership.Role role, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load the list of CourseMembership objects which have the given role within the specified course (identified by id) using the supplied connection.
 BbList CourseMembershipDbLoader.loadByCourseIdAndRole(Id courseId, CourseMembership.Role role, java.sql.Connection con, boolean withUser)
          Load the list of CourseMembership objects which have the given role within the specified course (identified by id) using the supplied connection.
 BbList CourseDbLoader.loadByUserIdAndCourseMembershipRole(Id userId, CourseMembership.Role role)
          Load the list of Course objects in a lightweight fashion in which the given user (identified by id) is enrolled with a specific course based role using a connection obtained through this object's database context.
 BbList CourseDbLoader.loadByUserIdAndCourseMembershipRole(Id userId, CourseMembership.Role role, java.sql.Connection con)
          Load the list of Course objects in a lightweight fashion in which the given user (identified by id) is enrolled with a specific course based role using the supplied connection.
 BbList CourseDbLoader.loadByUserIdAndCourseMembershipRole(Id userid, CourseMembership.Role role, java.sql.Connection con, boolean bHeavy)
          Load the list of Course objects in the specified fashion (lightweight or heavyweight) in which the given user (identified by id) with a specific course based role is enrolled using the supplied connection.

Uses of CourseMembership.Role in blackboard.platform.plugin

Fields in blackboard.platform.plugin declared as CourseMembership.Role
static CourseMembership.Role[] PlugInUtil.CONTENT_COURSE_ALLOWED_ROLES
          Allowed user roles for editing course content

Uses of CourseMembership.Role in

Methods in with parameters of type CourseMembership.Role
 boolean AccessManagerService.isUserInCourseRole(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, CourseMembership.Role role)
 boolean AccessManagerService.isUserInCourseRole(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, CourseMembership.Role[] roles)
 boolean AccessManagerService.isUserInCourseRole(Id userId, Id courseId, CourseMembership.Role role)

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