about this section:

Brief commentaries/ new scholarly finds/ research projects-in-process, improvised conversations concerning books of original poetry & other innovative written forms, including responses to new works of scholarship. We want to know how you are thinking about the works you are reading by women writers in the modernist or experimentalist traditions. Poets, scholars, students, readers are invited to contribute to this section. Send suggestions or finished speculations to: Kate Fagan <>

For convenience, these articles are downloadable as HTML and as PDFs for printing.  To view the PDF files, you need Adobe Acrobat Reader, which you can download for free HERE.


Ann Vickery
Review of Barbara Guest's The Red Gaze (HTML | PDF)

Paul Hoover
"An Education in Space", on Barbara Guest's Selected Poems (HTML | PDF)

Maria Damon
Review of Rachel Blau DuPlessis' Drafts: Drafts 39-57, Pledge, with Draft, Unnumbered: Précis (HTML | PDF)

Susan Gevirtz
"Uneven Uneventfulness", on Kathleen Fraser's Discrete Categories Forced into Coupling (HTML | PDF)

Sarah Porter
Review of Brenda Iijima's Around Sea (HTML | PDF)

Siel Ju
"Oh how I love how", on Catherine Daly's Locket (HTML | PDF)

Brian Whitener
Review of Incarnate: Story Material (HTML | PDF)

Laura Sims
on Andrea Baker's Like Wind Loves a Window (HTML | PDF)

Laura Sims
on Brenda Hillman's Pieces of Air in the Epic (HTML | PDF)

Peach Friedman and Steffi Drewes
Reviews of Catherine Wagner’s Macular Hole (HTML | PDF)

Andrea Rexilius
On (Open): Merging Form and Meaning in Contemporary Poetics
Reading Ann Lauterbach, Elizabeth Willis, Lisa Fishman and Pam Rehm (HTML | PDF)

Richard Kostelanetz
"UPDATE-II", Response to Gertrude Stein’s The Making of Americans (HTML | PDF)

Table of Contents