I love Mames but not for long. Miss Culture Sister Handy Mr Donaldson woz ere and call on all Ballboy Student Supporters to help fulfil his desires Boy Kelvin was here codename Alice 'Nirvana' rule 95 Sister Dredge is your M. C. Sugar. Krazy Kids Krew. Ruff Nicola Sey So. your pussy clothing. SAM HAVE BEN TAKE AN EXAM FOR THE SECOND TIME IN MONDAY 17INE JUNE 1991. 5see 8oxb need nirvana succeeded Caroline Perez is a Lezbian Go on read the table Boris Beker woz ere for an electronic exam 88 Stew Pot was here Jam Rock versus Stone Love Delroy woz ere doing biology Daddy Bear Jewelry ran health crops learn Black Brown Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Purple Grey White Give me food food Sugar Levi an de opar Sister Jay de Bubblers Miss Culture de me power Sister Dredge cool and Deadly Sister Andy she Lyrics well Randy. Mad Chopper Big Shot For a good time dial 999 Mim Rahella Rani Marco Wren Yes MY Name Is Babbling Drab And Me Is A Big Sape geography exam was a piece of piss penis MY PEN IS Snoot Rules nicely and Samantha 10T Bitch I LOVE NAMES Boo Cora was in maths mock exam I love you Grobelar Neal Hansen Lee Dalglish Mark Johnstone Horse Radish Hard Boiled Eggs. I love Caroline but she don't love me Kalvin was ere ginger kid Lodge is don.