Submodule 2: Lenses, Mirrors, and Prisms: Objective 3
Steve Beeson, Arizona State University

How do telescopes and microscopes work?

With your lenses from the Optics Discovery Kit, make a telescope. Do you need more than one lens? Is so, which lenses work best?

Can you use more than one combination of lenses to make a telescope?

With your lenses from the Optics Discovery Kit, make a microscope. Do you need more than one lens? Can only one lens be a microscope?

What are some of the differences between a microscope and a telescope?

We can use powerful instruments to get a hold on light and use it to our advantage. Microscopes let us delve into the cruel world of the cell and the atom, while telescopes show us the world of the past. What about our world? Why do we see such colorful beauty around us? And just what is color, anyway?

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Copyright &copy1995
Steve Beeson, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287