All lectures and review sessions are recorded and posted here as a link to the Screencast site. You can download each lecture using the topmost download link in the Content Details panel below the recording. Each lecture file is ca. 80MB, the entire course, with review sessions, will use ca. 5GB of disk space.

Lecture Files click the title to access the recording
Lecture #38 : Amines End   download
Lecture #37 : Derivatives End and Amines Start   download
Lecture #36 : Carboxylic Acid Derivatives Reactions   download
Lecture #35 : Carboxylic Acids Start : Derivatives Start   download
Lecture #34 : Aldol/Claisen Reactions End : Acids Start   download
Lecture #33 : Aldol/Claisen Reactions   download
Lecture #32 : Enols/Enolates Reactions   download
Lecture #31 : Aldehydes/Ketones End : Enols/Enolates Start   download
Lecture #30 : More reactions of Carbonyls - Protecting Groups   download
Lecture #29 : Reactions of Aldehyde/Ketones   download
Lecture #28 : Benzene Synthesis : Aldehyde/Ketones Start   download
Lecture #27 : Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution with Substituents   download
Lecture #26 : Reactions of Benzenes ; Introduction   download
Lecture #25 : Aromatic Structures   download
Lecture #24 : Aromatic Transition State Theory   download
Lecture #23 : FMO Theory and Introduction to Aromaticity   download
Lecture #22 : FMO Theory   download
Lecture #21 : Pi-Molecular Orbitals   download
Lecture #20 : Diels-Alder reactions   download
Lecture #19 : Conjugated Systems : Kinetic vs Thermodynamic Control   download
Lecture #18 : Ethers and Epoxides End : Conjugated Systems Start   download
Lecture #17 : Ether and Epoxide Mechanisms   download
Lecture #16 : Organometals End : Ethers Start   download
Lecture #15 : Organometals: Start   download
Lecture #14 : Alcohols: End   download
Lecture #13 : Alcohols: Reduction and Oxidation   download
Lecture #12 : Alcohols: Bronsted Acidity   download
Lecture #11 : Alkynes End : Alcohols Start.   download
Lecture #10 : Alkyne reactions and Acetylide Reactions.   download
Lecture #9 : Alkyne reactions contd.   download
Lecture #8 : Alkyne Reactivity   download
Lecture #7 : Retrosynthesis End : Alkynes Start   download
Lecture #6 : More Retrosynthesis   download
Lecture #5 : Introduction to retrosynthesis   download
Lecture #4 : Eliminations End - Synthesis Start   download
Lecture #3 : Substitutions versus Eliminations   download
Lecture #2 : Eliminations   download
Lecture #1 : Susbstitution Quick review, Intro to Eliminations   download
How the homework site works (from Spring 2019 but valid for this semester too)
How the gapped lecture notes work
Introduction and How the class works (from Spring 2019 but valid for this semester too)
Additional information for online/HYBRID class students (from Spring 2019 but valid for this semester too)