Species: Pogonomyrmex sp. RAJ "maul"(unpublished mansucript name; name not to be used)
Taxonomic history (from RAJ):
Holotype worker: CHILE: Maule Region: Talca Province, Rt 115 at W side Laguna del Maule, 36º01.0'S 70º33.6'W, 7180' (2175 m), 3 March 2014 (R.A. Johnson #5257) [MACN]. Paratypes, same data as holotype:
Etymology: The specific epithet, maulensis is derived from type series being collected in the Maule Region of Chile.
Species description: (from RAJ revision)
Other literature:
Photos of all castes: holotype worker, paratype queen, paratype male, type locality

Photos courtesy of Brian Fisher & Antweb