Before reading a new text follow one, all or some of the following suggestions:


1. Observe the title, the subtitle (if there is one), try to change the title into a question.

2. Read the first sentence and the last sentence.

3. Read it the first time without looking up any words. Try to answer the title, which you had turned into a question, using the information that you have until now.

4. Read it a second time. One paragraph at the time and look up 1-3 words per paragraph (try to look up nouns).

5. Read it one more time and try to understand without looking up any more words.

6. Look for cognates with English, underline them.

7. Pay attention to any image or graphic information which may accompany the text.

8. Read slowly and be patient.

9. Put the text down and read it again in a few hours or the following day.