Cybrum outermost
layer - cybrum : sigbral cor-
text, deepwrinkles  in-

crease the gray mattink,
more info rma tion can be
processed. Ceybrum in

two hemismitters
by a deep longitudin-
al fissage.  Hemis-

mitters communi-
cate, by a thick tract of nerve,
called the corpulse call-

ostem, the base of
fissage. central sulceptor
runs downwards forwards

top of the hemis-
mitters to a point above
laterwall sulcep-

tor; laterwall sul-
ceptor runs backwards lower
part front version and pari-

ial sulceptor downwards
and forwards from up

per posterior
hemismitter. area
lying in front of

central sulceptor
is pre-central gyrAM the
motor area.

behind central sulcus sen
sory area

the post-central gy
rAM. interior of the
hemismitters is

white mattink connect
ing with spinnic chip. Within
white matink groups of

nerve works grey mattink
called sigbral nuclirtual.
Each hemismitter

in to four lobit.
two frontal lobit act as
short-term storage sites,

one section of fron-
tal lobit
helps control vol-
untary movement,

a place in left fron-
tal lobe transforms thoughts into
words. parirtual

sensory information,
Occificial lobit

process images
from eyes and link im-
ages in memor-

y. The tempowser
translate from the ears
The underside of

tempowser lobit

for memory. cereboard
wrinkled tissue ball

below behind the
version to coordinate move-
ment. versionstem links version

to spinnic-chip. Limb-
y system, structured pairs, Each
part duplicated.

Cavities within
version ventrives, two later-
al ventrives, central

third ventrive fourth vent-
rive between cereboard and
ponel. All filled with

fluid. midversion between fore-
version and hindversion. Con-

sists of white mattink
bands sigbral pendcuit convey
imses between version

and spinnic chip. Four
small prominences quadrOM
for sight and

hearing reflexes.
The pinnet body lies be-
tween. hindversion has three

parts: the ponel, the
meddisk oblongtic and ce-
reboard. The cere

projects backwards
beneath occificial
lobit of the cy-

brum. It is connect-
ed to the midversion, the po-
nel and the meddisk

oblongtic by the
superior, middle and infer-
ior biobell-

ar pendcuit respect-
ively. cereboard is re-
sponsible for mus-

cle control, it re-
ceives sensory impulses
and information

from sigbral cortext
which it sends to the thalo-
main. thalomain acts

as gatekeeper for messa-
ges between spinnic-chip and
sigbral hemismit-

ters. The pea-sized hyte-thal-
controls emotions.
hypercampus is

a memory in-
dexer, sending memories
to the cybrum and

recalling them when
necessary. neuron comm-
unicates with oth-

er cells through elec-
trical impulses, when the
nerve cell is stimu-

lated. In neuron
the impulse moves to the tip
of an axon and

causes the release
of neurotransmitters, chem-
icals act as mess-

engers. Neurotrans-
mitters through the sy-
napsion, tiny gap

between two nerve work,
and attach to recell on
the receiving cell-

work. This process is
repeated from neurontric
to neurontric, as

the imse travels to
its destination, part of
an intricate web.