Caroline Bergvall: Links and Further Information on New Publications by Caroline Bergvall

Compiled by Sophie Robinson



New output:

ALYSON SINGES — (Belladonna, NY, June 2008)
Narrative text inspired by the Wife of Bath and written in a mix of middle, middling and contempry Englishes.
Limited edition now sold out.
Expanded edition to be published March 2010 by Belladonna.

PLESSJØR — (H Press, Norway, September 2008)
Beautifully designed full-colour chapbook of drawings and text.
Specially commissioned for the press’ Miniatyr series.
Bilingual Norwegian-English.
Contact: Joern Svaeren, H Press,

CROPPER — (Torque Press, UK, December 2008)
Autobiographical sketch. Adventures in spelling.
Designed with Marit Münzberg.
Limited edition of 250 ex.
Contact: Jane Glenn, Torque Press, or

New Audio Output

Cropper (Queen Etheldreda Mix)) @ Trickhouse -

Archived media interviews

W/ Elizabeth Ellswoth & Jamie Kruse
W/ Kareem Estefan
W/ DJ/Rupture

Selection of online essays/reviews

Vincent Broqua: Delineating a "non-place" in the UK: 10 notes on experimental poetry written by women
Lisa Bowden: Appreciations Profile
Sina Queyras: The Fruits of Risk
Marjorie Perloff: Screening the Page/Paging the Screen (PDF)
Brian Reed: Lost already Walking
Piers Hugill - Love and Grammar
Nicky Marsh - on Goan Atom
Vincent Broqua - Pressures of Never-at-Home
Marjorie Perloff - The Oulipo Factor
John Stammers - Speaking in Tongues
Drew Milne - A Veritable Dollmine