This, a pulsional incident à la Barthes or
femininity.  Meaning: an invite to iconoclasm.
Freud's stink re pleasure/displeasure, cross-
outs or the pressure we have come to call dialectic.
Meaning: what's femininity?  Iconoclasm
as hard-backed covers on stamen, petal, pistil;
the sealed impulse of t[w/o]o
dried desire.  Which is to wonder of self-effacement is it
akin to hard-backed covers on stamen, petal, pistil,
the mummification of this or that
s[us]tained desire?  A past tense?
The brand of breasts?
The tacit pass of this or that prat,
always a slimmer foot-print, thine,
and yes, is it to do with the brand of breasts —
their pitched drawl, relational squabble? REPEAT