Also as a child she had
wanted to eat


Also as a child she had
wanted to eat.

Without particular motive
(to be) on her own crossing
the street on her own or
going through the door
making an effort to buy


Always with amount of energy
she could spend with that
person (son) or even possibly
some other people.

Even simply listening. Not
urged to but that that had
already occurred.



Seen by the other people
(during) the day or sometime
during the course of the
day (the driver) calls out

To be phased by this. To
appear calm but actually
to imagine herself



Intense expression in
striving for something
(intake) of food
(inheritance) of

Having asked for something
to eat (in) one process
to eat one (particular)



In bed for example (always)
perpetuating (striving) in
the midst of any room.

Which (she) as a lonely
person appreciated.

Avenues and walking with
such & such emotion (buses)
where they seem needed.



Reversing her terminology
and tendency to want
something from him. (To)
supply food here. (Not)
to move or feel like moving.

With others like her
in the same mood (hiding)
something received from

Delicate relation to her
(discerned) (quarter) of



Children & events of the
day enter her mind. Once
while eating (in) quiet
manner of saying something.

Or being in a hurry to get
somewhere. Arrangement of
food at (moment) of giving
it to her.


Gail Sher

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