Barbara Guest


Barbara Guest, most recently known for her biography of H.D., Herself Defined, the Poet H.D. and Her World (Doubleday & Co., 1984), is the author of seven books of poems: The Location of Things, 1960; The Blue Stairs, 1968; Moscow Mansions, 1973; The Countess from Minneapolis, 1976; The Türler Losses, 1979; and Biography, 1980. Her innovative novel, Seeking Air (Black Sparrow Press, 1978), is a must for writers interested in new structural possibilities for prose and poem forms. As well as writing art criticism, Guest has often collaborated with painters on poem-lithographs and poetry-paintings. The Türler Losses was originally printed as No.5 in the M.B.M. Monograph Series, Montreal.


From Wallace Stevens' "finikin thing of air", the poem gathers itself (becomes embodied) the way a narrative diffuses and is sustained by imagistic moments transcending their own context as they echo and foreshadow other moments in the poem, deploying their own patterns and lyric arrangements.

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