"line becomes approximate form and (sometimes)
line again"

by Jane Dalrymple-Hollo

Working Note

I think of my work as consisting primarily of a vocabulary of dynamic lines and geometric shapes that operate in a context—either painting or assemblage—in which I can experiment with formal problems such as perceptual sequence, spatial ambiguity and color. I am fascinated by the tension between line and dimensional form in the composition of abstract space, and I consider an individual piece successful if it records my own playful, but sometimes difficult, process of finding a "stop frame" in the territory I have set out to explore. I use a variety of media, including paints (water and oil-based), canvas, bookbinder's board, book cloth, paper, and found objects. In my best work, playfulness is evident within a framework of precision. I understand why the concept of beauty is considered suspect by many, but I am pleased if the results of my work are called "beautiful." I am also very interested in sequence and in the process of opening and discovering, something I have explored by making "impossible" books and "games without rules."


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BIO: Born in North Mississippi in 1954, Jane Dalrymple received her B.F.A. in Painting and Graphic Design in 1977, followed by postgraduate work in Photography. In 1981 she completed an M.F.A. from the Maryland Institute College of Art in Baltimore where she discovered the Russian Futurists and began to look closely at the paintings of the early Modernists for instruction. After graduation she entered a three-year apprenticeship in Conservation Bookbinding at the Eisenhower Library of Johns Hopkins University and earned a Masters Degree in Liberal Arts (M.L.A.) from the Johns Hopkins School of Continuing Education. She married poet Anselm Hollo in 1985 and since then has collaborated with poets in the design of book covers and contributed illustrations to literary journals.

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