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about this section:
Brief commentaries/ new scholarly finds/ research projects-in-process, improvised conversations concerning books of original poetry & other innovative written forms, including responses to new works of scholarship. We want to know how you are thinking about the works you are reading by women writers in the modernist or experimentalist traditions. Poets, scholars, students, readers are invited to contribute to this section. Send suggestions or finished speculations to: Ann Vickery <avickery@scmp.mq.edu.au>

Dale Going
Livres de Poètes: interviews of poets & photos of handmade books they make.

Lisa Kokin
"I don't just make books: I also make sculpture and installation art..."
Emily McVarish
"I've been really interested in the three-dimensional and mechanical aspects of reading and poetics..."
Denise Newman
"I began making books over a series of summers spent writing on the Danish island of Bornholm..."
Eléna Rivera
"I used to write and make books as a child, so for me, making letterpress books was a rediscovery of book making..."
Jaime Robles
"I started working with books when I was fairly young; in college I majored in both English and art..."
Meredith Stricker
"Thinking about my own history of writing, it has become clear to me that it's not that there was poetry and then there were books; the materials and objects were the poetry..."


Marina Camboni
Dora Marsden, Ezra Pound, H.D. and The Art of the Future: Part II

Katie Degentesh
Freud in Brooklyn: Poems by Joanna Fuhrman

Simone Fattal
Reading Nathalie Sarraute: A Memoir

Beckian Fritz Goldberg
Under the Room of What We Say: Jean Valentine's The Cradle of the Real Life

Annalisa Goldoni
Susan Glaspell: from silence to silence

Cynthia Hogue
Practicing Amnesia by Heather Thomas and The Fray by Barbara Schulman and Heather Thomas

Christine Hume
Is That a Real Poem or Did You Make it Up Yourself?: The Poetry of Prageeta Sharma

Catherine Kasper
Thalia Field, Point and Line

Emily McVarish
Figuring the Word: Essays on Books, Writing, and Visual Poetics by Johanna Drucker

Ramez Qureshi
Happily by Lyn Hejinian

Harriet Tarlo and Eileen Gregory
Tarlo and Gregory read Collecott's H.D. and Sapphism

Beverly Tsao
Kimiko Hahn: Burning the Incense of the Heart


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