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2008, Volume 5
Letter from the Editors
Not so Much: A Policy Brief on Recent Research on Environmental Justice in the Phoenix Area by Heather Campbell and Laura Peck
Mandatory HPV Vaccination: An Ariozna Policy Choice by Mary Brandenberger and Tina Wesoloskie
The Nonprofit Sector: Toward an International Scope by Leigh Hersey
Book Review: Postbureaucratic State by Jing Wang
A Conversation with Professor Anne Schneider
2007, Volume 4
Editor's Welcome
Risks and Rewards of Academic Capitalism and the Effects of Presidential Leadership in the Entrepreneurial University by Ira Rubins
Making Your State Safer: Factors Influencing Interstate Homicide Rates in the United States by Tanya Watt and Chung-Chen Lee
State Performance in Child Support Collections by Mary A. Brandenberger
Book Review: The Dance of Leadership: The Art of Leading in Business, Government, and Society Reviewed by Leigh Hersey

2006, Volume 3

Editor's Welcome
FEMA Reorganization and the Response to Hurrican Disaster Relief by Tonya Adamski, Beth Kline, and Tanya Tyrell
Lot Splitting and Development Regulation: The Information Asymmetries and Free Rider Issues Associated with Arizona's Wildcat Development by Paul Christensen, Sherry Haskins, Jamie Hogue, and Jess Koldoff
District Grade-Span and Math AIMS Scores by Daniel Hunting
Critical Youth Resistance: The Use of Art and Culture in Effecting Positive Social Change by Heather Stickeler

Intracable Debate: Why Congressional hearings on climate fail to advance policy by Ryan Meyer

2005, Volume 2
Editor's Welcome
Public Art Policy: Examining an Emerging Discipline...Daniel Hunting
An Examination of Consumer Perceptions of Direct to Consumer Prescription Drug Advertisements
and Implications for Current Food and Drug Administration Oversight of Direct to Consumer Advertisement Regulations...Nicole Nixen
Factors Affecting Persistence Rates among Arizona State University Freshmen and Implications for Policymaking...Meghna Sabharwal
Unwanted Claims: The Politics of Participation in the U.S. Welfare System by Joe Soss...reviewed by Marianne LeGreco
2004, Volume 1
Leaders, Followers & the Logic of Collective Action...Michael Petrowsky
The Causes of Poverty - Cultural vs. Structural...Gregory Jordan
Does Phoenix Fit Wilson's Social Isolation Model: Evidence From the Spatial Decomposition of Thiel's T Statistic...John David Godchaux
Why Americans Hate Welfare: Race, Media and  the Politics of AntiPoverty Policy by Martin Gilens  ...reviewed by Amy Bartels






school of public affairs
advancing excellence in governance by creating, sharing, and applying knowledge of public administration and public policy

arizona state university
a new american university

graduate and professional student association




school of public affairs
advancing excellence in governance by creating, sharing, and applying knowledge of public administration and public policy

arizona state university
a new american university

graduate and professional student association