Sansovino, Francesco


Della Agricoltura di M. Giovanni Tatti Lucchese Libri Cinque: Ne Quali si Contengono Tutte le Cose Utile, & Appartenenti al Bisogno Della Villa, Tratte da Gli Antichi & da Moderni Scrittori.

In Venetia: Appresso F. Sansovino et compagni, 1561. Usually attributed to F. Sansovino; the Hunt Botanical Catalogue disputes the attribution and lists the work under Giovanni Tatti. Second edition--Cf. Hunt 87. References: Hunt 87; Johnston, S. H. Cleveland coll. 88. Second edition, Hunt 87 has author Tatti, Giovanni, 16th cent., Italian author.

This work is arranged in five parts, beginning with a discussion on the quality of the land and surrounding area.  The second part covers vineyards, and the third deals with materials, including plant descriptions with small illustrations.  Part four discusses the quality of the earth and how to plant trees, while the final part lists various insects and animals of concern.

Subjects: Agriculture; Italy.


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